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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. I’m getting really tired of this auto correct correcting already correct words. The worst thing it does is correct hear to here and there to their for no fucking reason making me look like a total asshole.
  2. This is how manspreading started. It’s ingrained in our dna to keep our kicks clean.
  3. @ndvI didn’t know bone glasses were a thing before just now. I don’t wear glasses. I do have a terrible time finding sunglasses that fit my big ass dope piece without looking like I stole a kids pair. Ive been looking through this site for a few mins https://www.cocoleni.com/sunglasses/berk
  4. unemployment still pays more. I fucked up big and should have drained this PPP welfare for all it had to offer me. Edit- I really just don’t think anyone is interested in working any more. Like working for half of your waking hours to not even be able to survive. I hope people have been using this down time and influx of money to better themselves in some way.
  5. You take that back. Don’t you ever talk bad about the North American Biscuit Company again. I don’t do much processed food but Oreos are my Achilles heel.
  6. That wharfedale looks good.
  7. ^^ and free food! speaking of food, Nabisco is hilarious right now. You know how when you get a box of Oreos and every once in a while you find one where one of the cookie half’s is flipped around the wrong way? Go buy a box of Oreos right now and check that shit out. I just got one where half the box was fucked up. Quality control straight in the shitter while these fools are on strike.
  8. I could give a shit who is President. The highest welfare whore in the land deserves nothing but ridicule. Im gonna try an experiment where I put “Listen Morty,” in front of all of his speeches and quotes and see how they play out. Lol
  9. @Kults I was thinking to myself today if they would have read some of his answers in Rick Sanchez’s voice you wouldn’t have been able to tell if they were quotes from the show or not. Especially the one where he was talking about Afghanistan being a catastrophe if we pulled out 15 years ago or another 15 years in the future.
  10. I caught Biden’s speech today. He was answering questions that weren’t even asked only to be callled out on it by an NPR reporter of all people, to which he replied “Oops my bad, I misheard the question.” grandad needs to turn his fucking hearing aides up.
  11. I wonder how comfortable he would be without those 2 dudes blocking him from view from the rest of the world with 200 racks on the table and a bag full of millions. That kids a weiner ass clown. Lol.
  12. @fat ralphyHaha. That’s funny man. How did that happen? I kinda like most of what you posted. It is recklessly sloppy though.
  13. Is it just me or do a lot of these rappers not really hit the beat? Or try to say too much in a bar on accident and just speed up for no reason to try and fit it all in?
  14. @One Man Banned those little nugs look fire!
  15. If you had to chose one, would your rather have 7 toes total or 7 toes on both feet?
  16. Bruh. What the actual fuck is wrong with these new kids? I feel like there was some rap crew gang what ever that got knocked off by the feds when they started rapping about details that the police didn’t even know on unsolved murder cases. Lolz fucking assholes.
  17. their gear they had on them was legit and they looked healthy fit. Turns out they were army and just straight up got twisted on those wack ass trails. They got lost to the point where they didn’t even have a bearing to find their way back to where they came from.
  18. Lol! Bro that game sounds amazing. Was it 50 ft til you got ascared and opened your eyes or 50 til you crashed into some shit? @fat ralphy
  19. A few days ago I was talking to my neighbors lawn guy. I asked him to start doing my yard, too. This fool looked at me and said “you look like you’ve been losing some weight pushing that mower around your yard,” and then starts slapping my belly. I don’t know this man like that. I wanted to bust his 120 lb ass with karate chops, but I also wanted my grass cut. Dude cut my yard today and edged it. Shit looks good.
  20. whats your mission on getting all the bucks to come around? Deer are heavily over populated in sw Virginia this year. Hunting season is gonna be bananas.
  21. @Mercerno shit. I was making like $13 an hour back in 06. That’s 1600 a month after taxes. My rent was 900 split 3 ways. Between that and under 25 car insurance, I was barely hangin on.
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