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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Yeah makes sense. Some of these laws are straight ridic. No wonder your crew had so many unused genetics on deck. I remember thinking to myself what a weird fuckin flex that was. Makes sense now. Lol
  2. @SMdoubleXLhey does the company you work for sell genetics or just consumables? I don’t remember if I’ve asked you this already.
  3. I had some parsley in a box outside of my front door that some black white and yellow caterpillars straight demolished stalk and all. I should have been documenting them better. I think they are getting ready to cocoon up real soon.
  4. Yeah they really were. The bright yellow one especially. They were super cool. I noticed they were stretching their necks way out over the grass to look around and make sure the coast was clear. So when I scared them and they went into their shells, I started to mimic their behavior by stretching my neck out and looking around. They instantly popped back out of their shells and started looking around with me. Eastern box turtle Terrapene carolina carolina - scientific name
  5. I’ve never flushed the transmission fluid in any vehicle I’ve ever owned. Is that really a thing? @ndv also I can’t believe I just let $600 worth of turtles crawl away.
  6. Ain’t that the way. You ever had one of these cock sucker places try to tell you they can’t release your vehicle to you because it’s unsafe.
  7. Fucking with some turtles I caught trespassing in my back yard. IMG_0619.MOV
  8. Lol. I’d have to take that belt to the saddlery and have them punch a few more rows of holes into that bitch!
  9. I’d smash the big one for that belt.
  10. The one on the left is related to one of those Samoan beasts from back in the day I think. This one takes bare knuckle punches to the face? Get outta here!
  11. This new Kanye album is straight fucking nonsense.
  12. @Mercermy old lady showed me that last night. I told her the military would get mopped up here on a sheer numbers game. What a ridiculous thing for this bitch to say. Vets would kill her first. Lol
  13. Kinda looks leafy and dense like soybean fields but super tall.
  14. I’ll read your address off a piece of mail way in the background and take a tour of your house lol.
  15. when your bootleg spelling has typos also those McDonalds jeans are slappin.
  16. I know a bunch of dudes like that.
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