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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. The homie said this show was dope. Hi
  2. Whoa! I didn’t realize elephant ears are tubers!
  3. I just had a lox bagel from Einstein’s a few days ago. Shit was bangin. Also all this talk of microwaving offensive foods reminds me of this house party I was at back in the day. I microwaved an onion for 45 minutes stinkin the shit out of this kids parents house. The kid burned the shit out of himself trying to get it out of the microwave. He had no idea it had been in there cooking for 30 mins already. Lol.
  4. I don’t remember what I look like without a beard.
  5. Hey I misread that. Looks like they are getting a 0.60 an hour raise every year but that doesn’t even keep up with inflation after their first raise. Fucking clown shoes. I think I’ll keep not buying their bullshit.
  6. yeah, that’s right! Don’t ever let em see you sweat!
  7. Lol. I just read the Nabisco workers settled for a 28 cent raise for 2021 and a 60 cent raise for next year. That will maybe bring them up to $15 an hour on average. After those several weeks of lost wages, these gains should have them breaking even sometime in 2023. All those years of union dues are finally paying off. Fucking suckers.
  8. @~KRYLON2~ Haha. I hear that shit. I’m the king of eating questionable shit. When ever I find something suspect in the fridge my old lady plays that shit at me.
  9. @One Man Banned I’m about to send that anxiety inducing gif to the homie. This shit is about to ruin his whole weekend.
  10. @Tails0nE I’ve heard good shit about adding butter to your coffee as well but never tried it. I’m sure as fuck never putting canna butter in my drank. Lol. @SMdoubleXL can’t wait to see how they finish out. I think the IGB is supposed to be a good yielder. @nicklesndimes Cannabis can be made into a topical so I wouldn’t doubt getting a buzz from raw dogging a bowl of butter.
  11. That’s awesome. Im excited to get mine going too. How tall do you grow out your testers? Judging by your pictures it looks like all your stuff on the racks goes to maybe 3 or 4 feet but I can’t really judge scale from pictures
  12. broseph. I feel that pain. I can’t do edibles. The first and last time I ate some, I went through the same terrible shit. And as soon as I thought that hell ride was over, it kept coming back in waves. Something about the way your liver metabolizes cannabis, I don’t even think it dishes it back to you as THC.
  13. Taking an early morning dump. Probably gonna go back to sleep after.
  14. I had this dream last night where it was my responsibility to drown the piglets in the toilet. I woke up startled after the second one and couldn’t fall back asleep for a while.
  15. the longer I look at it the worse it gets. How is the perspective inverted?
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