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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. These young boys are as fucking arrogant as ever @misteraven. I took a couple flooring installers under my wing a few years ago. They wanted to be contractors in their prospective fields. They were both good as shit at what they did. When they told me what they were charging, I was really like “why are you giving yourselves away for so little?” So I paid them more than an installer but less than what they should be charging as a business. I put them in a real sweet spot to make a shit ton of money and have a really solid foundation to jump off. I told them the paperwork they needed to fill out, the insurances they needed to hold ($1300 yr), and a clear path to making 100k a year just doing the bare minimum. What did I get for all this effort? The carpet guys van breaks down and he asks if I can get the carpet to the job while he gets things sorted out! My man! No problem! Doing some quick math in my head I know this dude should have enough money stacked up to have bought a brand new van even if he is trickin money on weed and hoes every weekend. This dude pulls up in a new Camero. I was like “sweet ride bro! Is this your rental while the van gets fixed?” He said “Naw I bought this.” This fool blew all his money on a sports car and just expected me to fetch his material for him from now on! Fuck outta here! Gone! Good luck! The other dude installed hard wood. He would always do 95% of the job. Never come back to set thresholds. Finally one day I call him and I’m like “Bro! What the fuck?” His response was literally “If you want me to come back out there, I’m gonna need more money. I’m outta gas.” I just put several 1000 in this mans hands 2 days earlier. Fuck outta here! Gone! Good luck. These two still call me semi regularly looking for work.
  2. mr.yuck

    Let's Go Brandon!

    Oh, it was non existent. I have to lay it out carefully when messing with ma dukes!
  3. Jesus Christ man. You’re better than me. I fired all of my employees and cut ties with 90% of my subcontractors within the last year. I don’t have the patience to deal with these attitudes and the general bullshit that comes along with relying on other people.
  4. mr.yuck

    Let's Go Brandon!

    Summer Donna. My mom is an anti gun liberal. I was trying to get a rise out of her but she didn’t take the bait!
  5. Jesus Christ guys! They can’t all be winners.
  6. lol. Nothing serious! Just perusing the news section.
  7. I wanna say I wouldn’t purge, but like, I have had so many ridiculous customers that have caused me so much fucking grief over the years. They’re fucking dead, bucko!
  8. Is suffering from secondhand embarrassment a thing? I think that’s what I’m feeling right now.
  9. Oontzin on the toilet. Bout to give the standing wipe a try.
  10. I used to rock a 38. Those shorts are not something some one with a 38 inch waistline rocks. edit also explains the stains
  11. mr.yuck

    Let's Go Brandon!

    It’s baby trump and mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes and baby trump! They’re neck and neck. It’s gonna be a photo finish folks.
  12. mr.yuck

    Let's Go Brandon!

    The blue balls are closing the gap as they bring it up the rear with only 13% to go.
  13. mr.yuck

    Let's Go Brandon!

    @Elena Delle Donnelooks like the Virginia red coats have taken possession of the ball.
  14. mr.yuck

    Let's Go Brandon!

    I like the way you wrote this out. I’m gonna make an attempt to rewrite this in a more digestible format and put it on my Christmas cards this year.
  15. mr.yuck

    Let's Go Brandon!

    goobernatorial hijinks. Let’s see there is the reigning champ some democrat. And then there is the challenger, who is being painted as a trump clone. Its super funny. I was listening to one of these political commercials a few weeks ago and it was a commercial for the Democratic Party and voting Democrat. Like it doesn’t even matter who the candidate is, and they just admitted as much.
  16. mr.yuck

    Let's Go Brandon!

    I'm just saying a whole bunch of meaningless people are getting together and shitting all over their neighbors right now with real life consequences. Also life is still fun this way, too!
  17. mr.yuck

    Let's Go Brandon!

    Virginia’s doing an election thing today. Soon we will find out if we are going to lose more of our hard earned money or our personal autonomy. And the people of this state are begging for it.
  18. It’s cheese and butter specifically I miss in baking. I’m not sure what it is about baking without milk or egg but everything I make has been coming out dense, won’t cook all the way through, doesn’t rise correctly. It’s very weird. I never had these problems before I made the change. I think one of the big problems is people that are posting vegan recipes online are just taking regular recipes and deleting out items and either not replacing them correctly or just omitting them completely.
  19. mr.yuck

    Let's Go Brandon!

    South west is renowned for their pilots moon lighting as comedians. The god damn liberals better not take this away from me, too.
  20. Lol. I can’t wait until the news is just unedited TikTok videos. *Black ass Rick is on the scene at this local Popeyes fried chicken restaurant in Washington DC. Video plays *Wow Black ass Rick. I can’t believe you still have a job. That’s clucking disgusting!
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