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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. lets vote tomorrow! A week is way too long!
  2. These dudes are my spirit animal! lol jk
  3. So, there I am minding my own business; the president of the white trash HOA and her jailbird dopefiend son are suing my landlord and have moved on to greener pastures, when I hear a call from inside their apt. “Hey yuck! Come check this out!” I walk into the unit against my better judgement and it’s almost completely gutted. I go upstairs and am greeted by the over powering aroma of animal urine. The carpet is peeled back to expose bare wood with a small looking grease stain on it. Rich says to me “It’s the weirdest fucking thing. I put the heater on this spot over night and it dries up. Then a few hours later it comes right back.” “Yeah bro, it reeks of dog piss in here! That spot is probably soaked with dog piss all the way through,” I say while half laughing at his misfortune. He starts asking me more questions like; how long is this going to take to dry out and can I just paint over it? Then I had flashbacks of my bedroom smelling like animal piss on a few hot summer nights several years before and how long it took me to get rid of that smell. I told him to quit being a piece of shit and spend the $20 on a new piece of sub floor. I also had to explain to him that his time was worth money as well and to stop spending countless hours on trying to rig this thing when the answer to his problems is only $20. I went over there everyday for the next 3 days until he finally did the subfloor patch. He also hired his son to go over there and cut the grass when he realized I wasn’t about to be the one to do that shit. His son was the laziest piece of shit I’ve ever seen do yard work. He would push the mower a few rows and then drag it behind him leaving large triangles of uncut grass. Then he packed the shit up and bounced.
  4. mematic app. Just load in your gif and add your caption.
  5. I think I can sum this argument up with no slant. Teenage boy leaves home under own volition to participate in out of state riot; killing several.
  6. No way those titties didn’t shake loose!
  7. Lol. Ted “Family Vacation” Cruz is talking shit about fictional characters now? Since Ted is the government, does this make him a whistle blower.
  8. yeah, you know at least one of his songs by accident I’m sure. I thought the same until I spotified him. That’s a character trait of a grade A garbage human to just keep doing you in a situation like that.
  9. oh it’s this fuckin guy I turn off every time his shit comes on the radio. This comment tracks!
  10. Who’s out here trying to fuck up fire fighters? They are like the ultimate good dudes!
  11. I try not to speculate wildly on things. Unless we’re in channel 0. Then all bets are off.
  12. I did some quick article skimming and apparently some one else was paralyzed at another one of his concerts in ‘17.
  13. I’m gonna be honest. I just did some googling and was surprised to find out Travis Scott is not a country singer.
  14. Just finished up this series. I’m sure this was made for teens but the concept to it was pretty cool and I found myself bingeing my way through it.
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