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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Haha. Love a slow work day. I’ve been having a no work week so this is a good break from the monotony of the day.
  2. Hell yeah @Schnitzel Looking at this art almost 30 years on, it kinda looks like it could have been rendered in MS Paint.
  3. @SchnitzelDrawings are so cool. I was just looking at the black and white art for the comic. I think what drew me to it was the fact that it was all line work, kinda sloppy, but also packed with detail! edit also @MOOGLE?Lobo was another favorite as a youngster. Had no Idea giffen did both!
  4. Holy fucking shit @MOOGLE? Trencher. I was wracking my brain about a month ago trying to remember the name of that comic so I could reference that artists drawing style. It was just a vague memory as a kid and I was starting to think I might have made it up or been remembering wrong.
  5. It looks like @One Man BannedCame out on top of this one!
  6. okay, listen up, gangsters! •Game consists of 3 images •make as many memes as you can until you become bored •Game ends when the majority lose interest in the image set (I’ll make an announcement ending the festivities) •Cast 1 Vote for your favorite participant that brought the overall funk! •Winner posts new image set as soon as possible after being crowned the winner.
  7. I think we can rework that by super shortening down the game time. Post your image, blast out as much as you can for the one and vote on it the next day and post a new image.
  8. I think this will resolve itself if we paid down to one image and then a winner can be decided on number of votes for the participant and not on a particular meme.
  9. I’m on my 47th booster shot this week!
  10. It’s a representation of the evolutionary development of this thread.
  11. Hah like voting in N. Korea! We need enforcers!
  12. Holy shit bro. What if you were on the jury with dhabz and dao? You’ll never see your family again! Lol.
  13. Yo. Also this vote is open to all you non participatin ass upvoting lurkers.
  14. Shit. Lol. I vote for @mr.yuck for spank machine
  15. @fat ralphybutt funnel @LUGR mryuck cryin @One Man Bannedch 0 needs you
  16. I don’t know why I’m so invested in these dudes all of a sudden but this video is either old or just some set up shit. Radio active piss head doesn’t have the first tattoo in this video.
  17. Haha. She did piece his ass up back.
  18. Yo for real I’m happy there’s 4 of us killing time in here regularly. That’s like half of channel 0!
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