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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. I knew it. I knew when my inbox showed 700 new updates something happened with this little shit! Congratulations to everyone that participated in this thread! You’re all winners.
  2. no one has that technology! We can’t compete lol
  3. The mag looks good. Im tired so I didn’t read the interview. But I did like the quality of the images you posted. There is just a lot of dead space on the pages. You are missing an opportunity to cram those margins with lewd doodles, pictures of roadkill, or the homies posing in a b-boy stance. I was thinking that with all the free graffiti on the internet that mags were dead, but the cool thing is, anybody can upload their shitty graffiti to Instagram but not just anybody will be featured in a mag! Good luck to you!
  4. I never owned any graf vids either. I was however a sucker for Can Control and While You Were Sleeping mags in the 90s.
  5. I can’t believe I watched all 10 minutes of that. Grade A nonsense
  6. @LUGRgood man, I’m glad for you! Having your ears blocked up is one of the wackest things ever.
  7. @SMdoubleXLthats too true. I don’t know what the fuck is going on with all these new age 30% THC, early harvested, panicky, heart attack inducing weeds or where they came from. I know they can’t hold a flame to any of the older pre mid 90s strains that measure out in the teens.
  8. seconded i like the nuance of good pants being in quotation marks insinuating that even the good pants are bullshit. Lol.
  9. @nicklesndimesLets remember all the fallen thumbnails. *taps plays softly in the background
  10. In this new phase, the queens lizard body has finally outgrown her flesh suit. Time is of the essence in creating a new suitable one. Just watch, when she comes back people are gonna be like “Is it just me or does the queen look bigger?” Then the sheeple will be distracted by a salacious news story to distract them from this new giant queen!
  11. The moon is wild bright right now. I reckon there is supposed to be some sort of long ass lunar eclipse on Friday.
  12. I want that muscle bitch to grab my neck and lift me off my feet and pin me up against a wall while she jerks me with the furiousness of E Honda’s Hundred Hand Slap.
  13. mr.yuck


    No kidding. Turns out they were a couple. I almost bet they were just having a heated argument and the woman threatened to call the police and say she’d been kidnapped. And did.
  14. This last chunk of comments is hella 2021.
  15. haha. That’s 6 months of rat shit. There’s some good chunky turds in there but you really have to zoom in.
  16. mr.yuck


    Here’s some local news. A state police pitted out a vehicle on a bridge during a low speed chase. The vehicle went over the bridge onto the interstate below. The vehicle was known to contain a kidnapping victim. The victim died in the crash. The alleged kidnapper climbed out of the vehicle and was shot to death by the officer.
  17. mr.yuck


    Doctors don’t run up in your life performing rogue surgeries using information from some one else’s charts.
  18. My thumb nail has finally separated from the nail bed. Huzzah!
  19. the what?? here is mom dukes toilet bowl full of sewer rat shit!
  20. Lol. @NightmareOnElmStreetthat is a bad problem in Florida. I’m gonna dig up a photo my mom sent me of their place. She said when you go outta town for any length of time, you gotta close the lid and put a cinder block on it to hold it down so the sewer rats don’t get loose.
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