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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. I’m telling you, man, I was smashing my way through 18, 19, and 20 year olds when I was 25 and 26 and even that shit felt mad wrong during post nut clarity.
  2. Don’t do that shit @fat ralphy Also 10 years age difference is insignificant the older you get. At 30 years old your potential future bae has had over a decade of experience as an adult and there is a good chance for compatibility with similar life experiences. I feel like that shit is weird if you are 40 and scoping out 18 year olds. Technically and adult, but hella predatory in my opinion.
  3. You’ll never catch me in that deep V. But that serious face and that scarf, that’s all yuck.
  4. They might fuck around and get it right. They’ll be like “oh shit, son! It’s a secret shopper!”
  5. You should do air quotes the next time you order a “cup of water” and wink a whole bunch at them while saying it.
  6. @nicklesndimes Im gonna get a Karen cut. This shits gonna be hilarious.
  7. Don’t be so sure. There are 5 or 6 companies around my way that I subcontract for. If a customer leaves a review of anything less than a 5 it becomes an all hands on deck blowbang to figure out how to make these people happy enough to remove their review. I’m not saying that will be my experience with Taco Bell. I also fixed the last Tacobell around here to catch the n fire. And this is how they repay me?
  8. oh I will. I’m gonna part my hair straight down the middle for this one.
  9. yes. That’s exactly what happened. None of my taco supremes had sour cream, tomatoes, and only one of them had lettuce. If I don’t get satisfaction I’ll leave them a google review they soon won’t forget. I’ll also post it here for the cause.
  10. Yo! While we’re talking about fast food, I’m straight furious at Taco Bell right now. I just spent $40 on all kinds of custom shit. These dick heads deleted all of the ingredients I didn’t want and then didnt add back any of the other shit I did want. I just paid $6 for a bean burrito without cheese. I’m fixin to go back up there tomorrow and act a fuckin fool.
  11. ive always regretted going cheap. My last cheap purchase was a chainsaw for under $200. Turns out all of the internal parts and gears responsible for pull starting that motherfucker were made of plastic and stripped to shreds. I sang it too, bro!
  12. Fried whiting Fried catfish fried okra cole slaw fries hush puppies
  13. lol I was approaching middle age years ago. Now I’m approaching bad back and neck pain if I take too long of a nap!
  14. @lord_caseklol. Im pretty sure that song marked the era of the last time I got into a fist fight.
  15. @Dark_KnightIm not sure if you’re trolling this pudding boy or not, but I’m gonna be honest: my fist fighting days are long behind me. I’m busting caps if the situation warrants it. My hands are too valuable to risk being injured in some insane feat of machismo. buck gang oner
  16. Just got home from playing cards on the set of the fuckin Fox News channel. Lol. Give it a fuckin rest bros!
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