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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Is that Santa also rockin body armor? This is totally a dhab Xmas steak thread now!
  2. Chef Goy “R” Deez in the hizzouse!
  3. Oh, also, I just went into a Walmart the other day for the first time in a while and there were no more manned registers. The whole thing was self check out. I stole just about everything. Fuck their entire business model.
  4. I was just looking at a sign at the local McDonald’s which bragged that they were paying $12. Taking the maximum legal deductions on my tax form, 40 hrs a week wouldn’t pay my mortgage which is well below the national average at this point in time. None of these companies give a shit about anyone.
  5. Or maybe you do. Sweet chicken brine. I’m gonna experiment this weekend. How long do you soak?
  6. @ndvI just got your package. What was that one again. Some sort of patchouli? I’m really diggin that one!
  7. I feel like when I was younger I just drank coffee straight from the pot, by the pot full. Now it’s like more than a cup and I’m a raggedy mess.
  8. Hey @Dirty_habiThave you been tested for antibodies to see if you were ever infected with COVID? I know I talk a lot about all the people I know that have died or were hospitalized by it but I also have an Aunt in Florida that caught the shit right at the very beginning just before lockdown. That was back when it was being played as a death sentence. She didn’t even know she had it. She reported symptoms that would track with a really mild cold for a few days. She never passed it to her husband or her son who was visiting from college. Or me for that matter while I was fucking around doing some minor home repairs for them while I was in town.
  9. Jesus bros and ladies! I feel super anxious and unsettled right now. I had an extra cup of coffee this morning with no where to go and not a whole lot to do and now I’m fucked. Should have just dropped back to water. How many cups is too many for you?
  10. That was the only option he had available to him. Luckily it was available because it literally saved his life. So far anyway. I’ll keep you posted. I know that shit is controversial even amongst medical professionals.
  11. However, his cologne ‘oh boy’ smells like a paper factory.
  12. @KILZ FILLZthe rest of the mix is trash. Best to just get a bag of the good shit.
  13. The worst part of the vaccine for me was the anxiety I whipped up in my head while I sat there thinking “What if dhabz is right?”
  14. Bro! There really ain’t nothing new under the sun!
  15. @Dirty_habiTheres what I’m thinking: a small ratchet strap that wraps around the can and holds it to a filed down sawzall blade. Pull the trigger and have shaken up paint in a few seconds.
  16. You find that beef patty option and other choices along the same vein at Chinese restaurants that also sell hamburgers and buffalo wings. I feel like it might be a cultural misunderstanding of the ingredients intention. Lol. What was the pizza place? The best option I’ve found around here is Sal’s, but even then, their quality shifts from location to location. @morton
  17. What…the…haaaiillll! resisting creep urges
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