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Everything posted by newjersey

  1. forget it... crown royal and coke nigga hollla at that shit!!!!!!! bump the adhd fam...
  2. that bored looks fucken sik.... and goze just pulled off that edge
  3. nesmo makes me laugh... fuk adhd! jump on the bandwagon everyone!
  4. now since im drunk its gonna be hard.. but i dont know the VA scene that well.. but point blank... i guess that first dude is paulo... then some shit was over it... then some toy ass scriblly shit... then choze went over the scrible... thats it in a nnut shell... dig its u
  5. drop the fucken paulo shit... he went over some retarded ass herb shit... aight it aint no fucken big deal i can assure u that the shit that was over paulo was completely scribbled over...and choze went over scribble... end of story
  6. i love jersey bitches...they all put out at the drop of a dime....MMHMHHHMMMMMMHHMMM ...anyone else agree.... post fucken pics... with your responses :)
  7. a bitter shame what these kids do now adays... jersey has come up with more toys in the past year.... then i think in all of the entire east coast combined... fh aids dkult mayhem cta( a proper definition of nj's scence) some new kids comen up and doing things right... but come on... that zane shit just blows my mind to think how kids actually think its acceptable to A. go over stak B. roll the wall the same background to look down and C. to think nothing of it... put a quarter in your ass cause you played yourself.... zane (beastie boys)
  8. drty ol south and my crew hold sit down in VA.... point blank
  9. bump the choze jade.... wuttup chozer!
  10. no ones talken shit demer..... just wondering if i knew where that wall was.....take a chill pill
  11. yo bump mc and esc and wh.... dro mob u know!... what you know about bobcats? good weekend... thanks for the southern hospitality ballers.... o yea... it sucks i had seafood/alcohol issues... choze was talken about how ill yall came off and about the tic tac toe phone.... glad to see pics!
  12. went down there today.... and of course lots of bullshit ragging... lots of fh lined including the stoe,(tipemhs) snake and clyde got gone over with some dinosaur prodo, and meadow... u got gone over but staer tore up the wall completely....as well as jick and vtmn(celf) aids was all lined through cep147 went over the demer i think.... and the kem/siek flyid was lined... its a shame
  13. bump those MC dudes.... if jades on here... pm me
  14. bump that suga stie goze sour..... sour suga and goze got a nice little spot on 1.... no camera
  15. its a shame it took me soo long to find that spot in particularly....would of loved to see that mecs shit at its prime
  16. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread dkult dkult gooooooooooze!
  17. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread moderators.....delete that shit
  18. i think when i went to 5 pointz.. i saw some ragged ceito dumpsters by some dude............ skyn?
  19. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00302817f00000112.jpg'> themor in yur grill:lol:
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