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Everything posted by newjersey

  1. remindes me of one of those.... what are they called....rainbow flags... just without the purple? anyone else see it? im not a hater i just crush alot ;)
  2. that savior streak is whats good...remindes me of the NEW rx bandits cd cover... ill shit though... pepes got some steez and bump the cdc click...
  3. i miss being young again and waking up...going to grandmas and catching new FH shit every fucken day... dudes crushed shit... def. stil got there game, but Fh crew crushed in 2000-2005 HARD... props to them thats when the aids crew started to crush... dudes def. been putting work in hard... somewhere between 05 and now too many herbs jumped on the bandwagon from the getting up video game... and jersey went down hill.... or maybe its just a summer phase that ive never noticed until now....regaurdless.... i know someones gonna call me out on my opinion...be my guest
  4. Eating Bitches Twats? i mean... shit i love eating twat but whats ebt stand for for real?
  5. nah... jersey has a fucken scene... you realize that once u start living in diff. states ha...shits weak out where i am
  6. not diggen the chewy shit(anyone know who thats over?? def. a brizo and harsh shout behinde that... weak as hell... ... bump the man chip7 and okae
  7. wackest shit running in VA right now...hahahahaha yea right... yall need to take some lessons from this dude fools
  8. go to acmoore...pick up a grape and a rose painters touch... then get an american accents aqua and buttercup maybe? ... then go to homedepot and get a gloss white and a flat black rusto... along with an orange rusto... get yourself off all day!
  9. nah theres a tie throwy in perth on some back side street.... and a rime throwie... i always assumed rime did the tie throwie though.... its a possibility though......
  10. ima call this dry country.....a waste of driving state
  11. ima call this dry country.....a waste of driving state
  12. dont catch too many ticks out there in them wood spots ;)
  13. nesmo rock city...bringen the ill nasty...the ill nana like foxy brown... holler E TOWN STAND UP BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bwahahahahhahahahahahahahaha mr. peanut... u know i love u ;)
  14. ...granted its a piecing spot...so it shouldnt be a big deal... dudes still a herb straight up
  15. just moved here... met my first shanikwa... gotta love it!
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