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Everything posted by newjersey

  1. doogi? what the hells that mean?regaurdless......smashed.... ummmm thank god that since its winter... half the college students/artmajors/kids, will stop painting.... something to look forward to.
  2. number 3 and 5 from the far right..... wowzers... munch munch munch... not to say i wouldnt the others...but those 2 tickled my fancy.... and yes... benched in jersey!
  3. so long tri and dezem... unless this is where the ntel and distort stompers was... regaurdless 2 of the 4 people i said are assed out... bummer
  4. bump the red..... and all that indoor steez
  5. for all you phillies and orioles fans..... BOSOX BABY!!!!!!! taken it hometonight!! boo ya
  6. what makes your 37 pieces anything great???? im just curious to your mentality? the way i look at is.... if if your doing 5 pieces a year... QUALITY shit... and keeping up in the streets... again...with quality shit... youll have respect... but a guap load of pieces on dead tracks and in abandond factories aint nothing to be proud of... so like i said before... where do u get off saying that 37 pieces this year is dope???? aint there 54 sundays in a year?
  7. this thread will be bulshit talking until 08..... either close this shit... or post fucken pics
  8. http://www.bombingscience.com/graffitiforum/showthread.php?t=1928&page=468 WH getting ragged hard as fuck...over and over...and over... lots of wyse...... hmmmmm
  9. http://www.videografproductions.net/vgpblog/ dope chip and nace clip.... at least 2-3 minutes long... check it
  10. koin and phone benched in jersey....fuck the list... and lets post pics
  11. rcade bringing that fiiiiiiiiiire (in a busta rhymes voice)
  12. check this shit out... this list really got to some dudes...so lets put it into perspective... 07 is the official year of graffiti gone wild in new jersey.... i think more dudes have come out this year alone then writers in the last few years of new jersey... the problem most is... like warpigs has already stated..... dumb shit attracts the buff... and the real question at hand... is what ever happend to going to your local dead track... which jersey has plenty of and practicing letter structre...can control....and just techniques in general... for a good solid year minimum before touching trains and highways and catching wreck with whack handstyles... i think people are too worried about impressing friends and catching a good 5 minutes of fame....bad fame at that... kinda like people who need attention... so they will do dumb shit for negative attention... dont listen to me i dont know shit
  13. ill be in the area for 2-3 days... def. gona flick some shit and grace this site with some new flicks....
  14. faakap is the dumbest motherfucker to come out of central jersey... u and ge need to find another hobby.... sell drugs or sell yourself....anything but graff
  15. this list should make people realize what theyre doing... dont take it to heart... get your shit right....
  16. mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn i got all excited that i was gonna be on the list... but umm... guess not.
  17. i THINK... that first shit is joust.... always liked his shit... anyone with some OX shit?
  18. ar looks like cro... im not sure.... just based on the size and structure
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