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FROSTY last won the day on September 16 2001

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  1. WOW!!!! I have been sorta slackin off on my daily visits to 12 oz,, its become more of a monthly thing,,, anyways its good to see that so many people are responding to this thred... Theres lots of valuable information in here! :burn:
  2. Holly shit this threds getting pretty big. I started it and didnt even bother checking it that often
  3. yo where can a grip a bingo dabber?? im not really in with the bingo scene....
  4. hmmm, whell your new and it looks like your keepin it simple so i dont know what to say more than practise practise practise. i think you need to try and come up with some ways of making it a little more original though. not saying its bitten or anything just a little on the bland side ya know. keep it up! ohh ya make the out line a different colour than the background blue. in some spots the letters look a bit thinner than they would if you used a different outline.....
  5. hmm one might say that could be as bad as glass etch. ahh whatever i think glass etch can be a wonderfull thing if used responsibly but thats just my opinion
  6. people are really touchy on that subject cauz of the shit thats been going down. if you ask stupid questions we get suspicious
  7. ya you mainly see it around newyork because no one gives a shit. teh graff scene is just too big anyways. in little towns though you might not want to use it because its kinda heat. cops will stop at nothing to try and find you. its quite expensive to replace a window. and if you hit enough windows your bound to be in the papers or something
  8. your luky im still on here mawz cauz others would tell ya to fuk off. anyways its a dangerous chemical that eats away at glass. it gives the glass a kinda misty look. if you tag with it it is stuck on the glass that you tag. many people hate it and many like it so its kinda up to you if ya wanna use it. i decide not to
  9. K i know there have been lots of threds on here about making your own markers but what about modifying markers. I got the Jumbo Pilot permanant marker http://www.pilotpen.com/PilotPen/images/sc6600.gif'> and its cool and all but is there any ways you have modified it. I could experiment but i would probably fuk it up and that would be the end of it. I was thinkin it would be cool to put in paint some thinner and a mixing ball but i dont know if that would work well. i thought of getting the gold and silver paints out of the smaller pilot markers and putting them both in the jumbo but the small ones need to be pushed down for the paint to come out and this cant be done on the jumbo. anywayse what have you guys done with this marker or any others
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