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Everything posted by Kults

  1. ah shit. I’ve seen this, recognize that dude
  2. Nice! Tried to show my girl, I think she lasted all of an ep and a half ‘why would they cast him as the lead, he looks kinda gross’ 🤦🏻‍♂️ I tried
  3. That time of the year again huh It’ll never get old
  4. Kults


    I loved FF growing up. I remember renting the first PS just to play VII. My fave still 3/6 tho. Kinda lost interest over the years but have fond memories
  5. A lot of manufacturers copying that giant screen concept. I dunno if having the time to post online while you fill up your car is the flex you think it is though.. How long for a ‘full tank’ ?
  6. Sauce: https://instagram.com/classicallyabby?utm_medium=copy_link
  7. Won't work on NYT they've wised up to it but you guys can use 12ft ladder for most paywalls https://12ft.io/
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