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Everything posted by Kults

  1. Alright champ You stated you wanted to move to SA because the US is a 2end world country.. lol.
  2. Disagree. Not if you live in the slums I doubt you’re rich enough to use a helicopter to travel daily
  3. I don’t know about any of that but you think quality of life is better in SA than the US?
  4. Kults


    Impossible to know at this point. I’d bet it’s a Sicario ripoff though. I’m 100% ok with that Would be cool if it was Escobar era but they just did the 80s timeline last year with Cold War so I kinda doubt they’ll do that again so soon A ton of upcoming games just got leaked with that Nvidia database breach
  5. Victimhood Olympics lets gooooo
  6. dude i’m sorry you got a matrix tattoo back in 02 cause you decided to make it part of your personality but don’t take it out on me
  7. Kults


    love it when that happens. put in a lowball bid and one of the resellers gets desperate for cash and accepts the offer. you scored
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