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Everything posted by alkaline

  1. alkaline


    Usually, I ride until I'm tired, take a rest, and cruise home at a casual pace. I've never had a need for a heart-rate monitor. Lately though I've been wanting to get one ... mostly because I'm becoming more and more curious about the science of cycling. I think the reason that people are so in to that stuff is that it's hard proof of improvement in performance. You can look at a piece of paper that will tell you, "You're getting faster," or, "You're getting stronger."
  2. alkaline


    If only I could afford a new bike right now. I've been looking at so many bikes lately. I still want the Litespeed or Indie Fab road bike. Someday. For now though, I've pretty much given up on buying anything new unless it's to replace something that's broken.
  3. alkaline


    I read an article once about a guy who bought one of those delivery trucks (like the ones FedEx drives) and built a bike shop in the back of it. He would travel around making house calls to all of his customers. How cool would that be? I'm just thinking out loud.
  4. alkaline


    <-- 6'0 and 155-160 lbs (depending on what I've been eating) I don't think I'm going to make it to SF either. I'll be in D.C. in July, although I don't know if I'm going to have time for any fun. Is anybody planning on going to the NACCC 2002 in Houston? If so, give me a shout.
  5. alkaline


    I think I'll have to buy that book and learn a few things. I've slipped (that's actually an understatement) from my "training." Things have been so busy for me lately that it's hard to leave work and go ride or cook a good meal. I really do miss the simpler times.
  6. alkaline


    Man, I wish I was in college again ... go to class, ride bikes, eat, go to bed. What a life. Enjoy it while it lasts, Cinnamon.
  7. alkaline


    Cinnamon, I agree with Joker. But remember that you will not always be the "weaker" rider, in the riding partnership with your friend Andrew and later in life. Sometimes stronger riders need a good friend to keep them motivated when they think that they have hit a wall. You can push him just as much as he pushes you, and you will both be better riders, and friends, for it. As far as later in life, don't ever forget that somebody was willing to help you once. Return the favor. If someone who isn't as strong as you needs a riding buddy, take them with you. I personally believe that this goes for all things in life ... helping other people achive something great feels just as good as doing it yourself. Know what I mean? Sorry for rambling.
  8. alkaline


    I'm in the same boat, Hesh. I've still got a couple of payments left, but I think about using that thing every day.
  9. alkaline


    Joker, sorry to hear about your crash. I hope you get to feeling better real soon. I busted one tooth when I fell off a Roller Racer (does anybody else remember those things?). I was about 12 or so. Now days I worry more about my lips. I have a really bad habit of biting my lip ring any time I'm physically exerting myself (I once went on a climbing trip, and when I got the pictures back, I was biting my lip in nearly every shot). Some day I'm going to fall and bite my lip off.
  10. alkaline


    Damn! RAD costs $75 on amazon.com. I guess that's because it's out of print, but still.
  11. alkaline


    I think his name was Bart Conner or something like that. I love that movie too. Lori Loughlin was hot in that movie ... ass sliding, mmmmm. And who could forget the track they raced on ... that huge starting wall/roll in, the Kix bowl ramp, etc. And don't forget about Talia Shire (Adrian from the Rocky movies). Man, that movie kicked all kinds of ass. That video clip is funny, AN, but it think cinnamon posted it before.
  12. alkaline


    Just like all track bike riders look alike?
  13. alkaline


    Hahaha. I saw that movie last month ... I think it was called 2 Seconds or something like that. Sam Jackson wasn't in Quicksilver ... it was Laurence Fishburne.
  14. alkaline


    Collapsable basket?! It's all about the stolen milk crate a la E.T. You'll be flying home with that beer in no time.
  15. alkaline


    Man, all those old cycling movies are good. Some of them were a little dumb, but whatever. I guess anybody that like Quicksilver is a poser too, because Kevin Bacon's bike was only a part-time fixed gear. brakes, no brakes, there's the brakes again ... hahaha that movie is great ... I think I'll watch it again tonight.
  16. alkaline


    Hahahahah. Are you excited, Hesh?
  17. alkaline


    It should be pretty obvious that everybody that posts regularly in this thread loves to ride. It does not matter if it's a track bike, road bike, mountain bike, 'cross bike, freeride, BMX, unicycles, or whatever. You come in here talking shit, but you don't know any of us. I don't want to fight with you about this ... that's not what this is about. You have a right to your opinion, but before you judge anybody, maybe you should talk to us. It's clear that you have a passion for bikes, so why not share with the rest of the class.
  18. alkaline


    Man, what was with that guy? Hate what you don't understand I guess ... fuck it. Bicycles rule!
  19. alkaline


    Re: Sorry to hear the bad news Boxcar... Nice work, Joker.
  20. alkaline


    So last night my roommate said that yesterday, he saw a guy on his bike get hit by a car. Apparently, this lady was turning and didn't see him (or did she ... my roommate said that the lady looked right at the biker). She hit the guy, laughed about it with her passenger, and drove away without stopping. How fucked up is that?!
  21. alkaline


    Yeah, Tess, just one gear. It's easier to maintain and it costs less. Unless you live in the mountains, in which case you'll want more than one gear.
  22. alkaline


    Re: Help That's what got most of us started ... You'll come to the dark side soon enough. One of my bikes is a Redline Monocog. It's basically a 26" BMX cruiser ... single speed, freewheel, no shocks. It didn't cost too much, and if you're looking for something to just cruise the town on, it's damn near perfect. You may want to put a suspension fork on it though if you are planning on riding trails and what-not. I've been thinking about putting on on mine. Otherwise, buy a used fixie.
  23. alkaline


    Yeah, the first time I shaved my legs wasn't so bad. The second time though ... it felt like poison ivy, underneath my skin. I have pretty sensative skin.
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