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Everything posted by alkaline

  1. alkaline


    Also, has anybody ever made their own bag. I know a guy that has a heavy-duty industrial sewing machine (capable of bar tacking and all that), and I was thinking about designing my own bag. What features would you put on a bag if you designed it? Personally, I want a pocket or two on the outside. I hate having to open my current bag up every time I want to get a Power Bar or something out. Also, I've found that a lot of backpacks don't have enough support. Anyways ... just a thought.
  2. alkaline


    <-- Lazy Fuck. I just realized that I have not rode my bike to work in about a month. This is very disturbing to me as I live about 3 miles from work. So everybody say this once with me, and maybe I'll get motivated enough to ride tomorrow .... "Al, you lazy son-of-a-bitch, get on your bike and pedal before your legs turn into noodles!" Thanks. Tomorrow I ride.
  3. alkaline


    messenger backpacks Okay … Anybody use a R.E.Load™ bag? They have a backpack, but I don’t know anything about the quality of their product. http://www.reloadbags.com/bags/backpack3.jpg'> R.E.Load Backpack Chrome has a backpack, although it doesn’t look very functional. Maybe it would be worth trying it out if I could find a shop that carries it around here. http://www.chromebags.com/backboneoutsideshad2.jpg'> Chrome Backbone Most of the other backpacks that I’m seeing look like garbage bags with straps. So drop the knowledge if you’ve got it please.
  4. alkaline


    Hahahahaha! I actually wasn't complaining about the rain. I would ride when it rains, but I'm kind of scared to (since I'm not so good at stopping). I think if I lived in suburbia (or if my brother would fix my other bike after he fucked it up), it wouldn't be a problem. Whatever. On the topic of bags, I like my Timbuk2, but I know exactly what you're talking about, Willy. I was gonna get a PAC Designs bag, but I might end up with a standard backpack (my shoulders have been sore a lot lately). What companies make good backpacks for cycling? I've never really looked into that before. Time to do some research.
  5. alkaline


    Bump. It was a shitty weekend. It rained. I think I want to get one of those spin trainer things, so I don't sit on my ass all day when it rain (cause that's exactly what I did). I need coffee.
  6. alkaline


    1. You don't need disc brakes for an urban assault bike. 2. I'm not a fan of Cannondale. I never have been. They design their bikes too much like motorcycles. 3. Novara (the bicycle company that is owned and manufactured by REI) makes a very similar bike called the Buzz that costs less, and looks almost identical. 4. It's your decision. If you like the Cannondale and are comfortable spending the money, then go for it. Don't buy something that "looks cool" if it's not comfortable to ride.
  7. alkaline


    cinnamon, see the movie Breaking Away (1979). Yeah, Devilush, this job is starting to suck pretty hard. They pay me real good, but it's becoming apparent that the money is not worth it anymore (not just because of the internet thing ... there's more that I don't want to talk about). I move to Houston at the begining of May, and I can't wait.
  8. alkaline


    Sorry to hear that, Devilush. As it turns out, I won't be able to make to original May dates either, as I'm getting married that weekend. If everybody is down, a reschedule to July would be prime for me, especially since my birthday is during those dates. On a side note, I pretty much only get on this site while I'm at work. This morning, I got an e-mail from my boss that said I need to disable my Instant Messenger and cut back my internet usage. What a bunch of fucking jerks. So I may not be around as much, but if you want to get in contact with me, just hit my e-mail: whyihatetexas@hotmail.com
  9. alkaline


    My brother's chain is all rusted, because he rode home in the rain and just left his bike outside. Last night on the way to the bar, all I heard was "squeak-squeak squeak-squeak." Between that and his flashing red light (I thought I was gonna have an epileptic fit like that lady in The Andromeda Strain) I'm suprised I didn't just throw myself off the bridge.
  10. alkaline


    In order to bump our precious baby up from the depths of Hell, I’d like to tell you guys a story. Last night I was riding to a local music venue/bar with my brother. We were going to see International Noise Conspiracy and The Hives. On the way there, we have to cross over a pedestrian bridge and go down a ramp at the end. This was the first time I had ever gone this way, but my brother said it was faster. Well, fast it was. On the way down the ramp, at the far side of the bridge, I was trying to maintain my speed so I didn’t crash at the bottom of the ramp. It turns out that this ramp has a little switchback thing going on, and as it was dark, I didn’t notice until it was too late. I hit the rail. Had I been going any faster, I probably would have launched over it into the lake, but thankfully I was spared that embarrassment. The moral of the story is … there is none. I just thought you guys would get a kick out of my antics. Hehehe. Bump.
  11. alkaline


    I saw the new Nike commercial last night. It's one of those "Enjoy the Weather" ads. It stars Lance Armstrong in a not-so-likely training ride where a rode ride suddenly turns into a cyclocross race. It's pretty funny, so watch for it, and enjoy the weather.
  12. alkaline


    21 pages! Happy birthday, Devilush. It's good to have you back. One time, when I was a kid, somebody stole my bike. It was this crappy Huffy BMX that I had owned since before I knew how to ride. Well the guy/girl who stole it was in for the ride of their life, because the handlebar/stem was stripped. When he/she hit a bump, I can almost guarantee that the handlebars came loose and flopped down, causing the perpetrator of this horrible crime to loose their balance and fall on the ground. We found my bike in a ditch less than a mile away from my house, and even though it was possibly the most ghetto bike in the world, it was mine, and I was glad to have it back. If anybody were to steal any of my bikes now, there would be hell to pay, as I’m so attached to them. It would be funny though to see someone try to ride off on my Pista.
  13. alkaline


    Good luck at Nationals, Cinnamon.
  14. alkaline


    My dad goes to Europe every summer to run a marathon in the Netherlands. He takes my little sister, and they bum around Europe for a few weeks. He's always telling me how much I would love it there. He says everybody rides a bike in the Netherlands. People ride 20 miles to work on their bike, work all day, run errands after work, and ride home. "Nobody locks their bike up either," he says. "It's amazing the way that their society functions. You would love it there. And there are soooo many beautiful women." I want to go so bad. Everybody rides a bike, pot is legal, and there are so many things to see.
  15. alkaline


    Anybody use the New York U-Lock? I've been thinking about hooking it up with one of those.
  16. alkaline


    New York Chains rule, but they are really heavy. I had to get rid of mine, because it was such a pain to ride with it (even in my bag). They are really good for fighting though.
  17. alkaline


    Page 3?!? Man, we're slippin'. All you guys are looking at that hot girls thread. Bump.
  18. alkaline


    That's some funny shit, Hesh. That would have made my day. I hate to do violent things unless provoked, but I love to scare people just enough so that they will think twice the next time they decide to be an asshole. As for the best and worst cities to cycle in, I am currently in a "good" city. Unfortunately, I'll be moving to Houston next year. I've been doing some research and what-not, and it turns out that the Houston bus system is not equipped with bike racks (I wouldn't really care, but I'll be living in the burbs and commuting to the city everyday). The good news is that Houston is trying to win a bid to host the Olympics, so they are adding bike lanes, making the city nicer, and they may even have a rail system in the next few years.
  19. alkaline


    20 freakin' pages. Who would have thought that we would come this far? So I'm a bit jealous of you guys right now (especially you, Joker). I haven't had much time to ride lately. I'm working a lot and driving to Houston almost every weekend to see my lady. Hopefully I can get out and ride sometime this week, because I'm starting to get that lazy feeling you get when you haven't been on your bike for a while. She is just sitting in the living room calling my name.
  20. alkaline


    Where is this at, THE LAW, because my middle name is Shady.
  21. alkaline


    ... and crazy bondage sex. Hehehehehe.
  22. alkaline


    If it's freaking you out that much, Hesh, go see a doctor. I hate going to the doctor, but when something is really wrong ... you get the point.
  23. alkaline


    Joker, I think this was discussed a page or two back, but I like Cytomax (it’s very sweet) or watered-down Gatorade (it doesn’t really do much as far as recovery, but it tastes good). I know that Hesh likes the Red Bull. TEARZ, I think Devilush is a moderator on HiFi now. The new bike sounds RAD.
  24. alkaline


    That’s a great picture, Cinnamon. Congratulations on your victories.
  25. alkaline


    I’m glad to hear you finally ordered those tools, Hesh. If your bike turns out to be wrecked, you’ve got the perfect excuse to buy a new frame. As for the height thing, I’m six foot nothing, so I don’t have too many problems finding bikes and clothes that fit well. I was watching this show on the Discovery channel this weekend about giants (tall people, not the bike company). Those guys have it bad. They showed pictures of this one guy that was like 8’11” or something. His shoe size was something like a 40. That’s about as long as my arm!
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