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Everything posted by alkaline

  1. alkaline


    At least it wasn't a rainy day ride. You come home soaking wet and dripping water everywhere. You get "the look" and know that in about 30 seconds, you're gonna be standing in the foyer (sp?) of your apartment, ass naked and cold as hell. And women never seem to care about getting the towel fast enough.
  2. alkaline


    I've seen that expression before. It's the look you mother gives you when you've done something that you know you shouldn't have done. It's the look that could freeze a man dead in his tracks.
  3. alkaline


    What I've been doing as far as the registry goes is telling my extended family and friends that I don't see too often that we are registered here and there. Then I tell all the people I'm close to, that if they just want to get me a PS2 or a DVD player or whatever, they can. I keep hinting to my dad that I want a mountain bike, so maybe he'll come through on that. Thanks for the insight, Joker. Cinnamon, Have a great time this weekend. Don't worry about winning. Just have fun, and the rest will take care of itself.
  4. alkaline


    Yeah, Dibs, we've got all the kitchen type stuff on our registry. She just keeps giving me a hard time, because she's thinking practically and I'm just thinking about the things I want but can't afford. I'm also going to register for tools. Her brother-in-law got all kinds of tools as presents from his friends. I thought that was a good idea. As for the honeymoon, we're going to Philly. Hahahaha ... just kidding, guys. I talked to my dad last night, and he might be taking us to Europe! I can finally ride around the Netherlands on a bike if we go.
  5. alkaline


    I put the brake on my bike last night. I had to go buy a cable cutter and some new bar tape. I was really excited about having the brake, and I got all my stuff ready to ride this morning. When I woke up I looked out the window and saw that it was pouring rain and cold. SHIT!
  6. alkaline


    Well, Joker, since you've been sleeping the past few weeks, you might have missed the news that I am also getting married. You're right about the gifts. My lady has got us registered for a bridal registry. She says, "We won't have to worry about buying anything. Between my family and yours, we'll get everything we need." I told her to put a DVD player and a PS2 on the registry, but she said we didn't need those things. Hahahaha. Just because you don't need it, doesn't mean you can't ask for it.
  7. alkaline


    Good luck once again, Cinnamon.
  8. alkaline


    Welcome to the party,ardenchapman.
  9. alkaline


    TEARZ, I asked Harris to send me a dummy lever for the other side. I ride with my hands on top mostly, so I figured it would be more comfortable. I gotta buy a damn cable cutter and some new tape before I can finish putting them on.
  10. alkaline


    Ah - Hahahahahaha! I too have this problem. Fortunately, my lady and I are currently living in different cities. Me and the Playstation are in one town, and she's in another. I usually don't play when she's around, but she'll call in the middle of the night and say, "What are you doing?" I can't lie to her, so the only response is, "Playing Tony Hawk." "STILL!?!" Hahahaha. She doesn't get it. I played almost all night last week, even though I had to work in the morning. Damn THPS3!
  11. alkaline


    While I may take off the brakes at some point, my wife-to-be and I decided that I should get them (just in case) so that I survive until the wedding. It's funny how we are all about to get married or thinking about getting married. Doesn't it make you guys feel kind of old? I know I feel that way. Only old people are married, right? My best friend is expecting a baby in a few weeks (with his wife of like 8 years). My ex is married and just had a baby. I dunno ... it just makes me feel like I never gonna make it back to Neverland, know what I mean? Joker, do you ever have to justify a bike related purchase to your wife, or is she down with cycling? I know that every time I want to buy a new bike my lady is gonna be like, "You already have a bike. What do your need another one for?" Hahahaha. She's so cute. I told her that I want to keep my bikes in the room and she laughed at me. She thought it was pretty funny that I would want to do that. "You take better care of your bikes than you do of your truck."
  12. alkaline


    Considering that I order the brake on Friday afternoon, I would have to say that yes, Harris does infact rule.
  13. alkaline


    Woo-Hoo! My new brake just arrived via Priority Mail from Harris Cyclery. This is very exciting (even though I feel like I'm pussying out by buying a break). I kinda just want to leave work and go home and put the brake on and go for a ride. Too bad I can't. Now I'm definitely ready for those SF hills (going down them at least).
  14. alkaline


    Congrats, Devilush. This is very exciting news (although Dr. Frink will be crushed ... Hehehe). I'm happy to hear things are going good.
  15. alkaline


    Bump for 900 posts. I rode a little bit this weekend. I was mostly cruising around the parking lot at my lady's workplace working on my skid-stops. I'm still a little sketchy, but I think I would feel comfortable doing it in an emergency. Whatever. Cinnamon, good luck this weekend. Take pictures for us. I'm pretty excited for you. I wish I could be there to cheer you on.
  16. alkaline


    He know what's up. If I make him feel like I still need him to take care of me, I can get almost anything I want out of him. I've got my fingers crossed. I might show up in SF with a sweet Ti rig (maybe that IF I've been looking at).
  17. alkaline


    Hehehe. College girls get you in trouble if you've already got a girl. My dad is getting rid of his old car (Chrysler Sebring convertible) because he bought a Porsche a couple of months ago. Anyways, I'm trying to convince him to donate all the proceeds to the Al’s Bikes for Me Foundation. Hopefully with the wedding coming up and all, he will be in a giving mood. Other wise he’ll just buy a Litespeed with the money and I’ll get his old Cannondale road bike. Yeah!
  18. alkaline


    WOW! That last one looked like it was off the bike of Satan himself. Some of those more elaborate ones are a little too much but cool none the less. I don't have lugs on my bike (although if I did you can bet I would have a sweet paint job) so just the plain look for me.
  19. alkaline


    So this place called Airglow looks pretty good. It will end up running me a little over $200 (with shipping), so I'll have to start saving. I want to have a little bit of customization done (nothing major, just one or two little things). Thanks for the tip, Business Man. I'm gonna have to talk to the lady about that.
  20. alkaline


    Okay, okay ... Philly was her idea. She knows I want to go there, and our honeymoon is basically just a vacation for us. Besides, it's not like we can afford to go to Europe (that's what we both really want to do). $150 is a lot of dough. My brother repainted his old schwinn frame with a can of flat black. He went over the old paint, and it looks okay. I kinda wanted to do it right though, because I may not be able to get any new bikes for a while, so I can't go fucking this one up. I guess the paint job is one more thing I have to save up for. Shit!
  21. alkaline


    What kind of place would I go to if I wanted my frame dipped or sandblasted? Could they do that at a body shop? I might have to wait until I can afford to do that, because I want it done right.
  22. alkaline


    I know ... me too. I went to the place that I used to work last night to pick up a tube for my bike, and all my buddies there were like, "Congratulations!" I think that’s when it hit me how soon all this is going to happen. I’m starting to get really excited. I have to somehow save up enough money for a honeymoon. We haven’t decided where we are gonna go yet, but maybe I’ll try to convince her to go to Philly. We’ll see. On another subject … I was thinking about repainting my frame. Do you guys have any tips on doing this? What’s an easy and efficient way to take the old paint off (or should I just paint over it)? Should I use a primer coat? Any recommendations on the brand and type of paint I should use (regular spray paint, automotive paint, etc)?
  23. alkaline


    Hehehe. I want to move to Philly. Actually I just want to move, which I'll be doing (to Houston) in about 5 months (YEAH!).
  24. alkaline


    Okay ... So the pockets I want are gonna be modeled after the "kangaroo" pockets a la Arc'teryx. Those things rule. They make easy work of getting rain gear out of the bag, and they might be handy for carrying mail tubes (depending on the size). Hmmmm. Hesh, can you mail me a cheese-steak sandwich ... I'm hungry and craving one. Hehehehe.
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