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Everything posted by alkaline

  1. alkaline


    I'm gonna give it a shot anyways, because I've heard of some guys having pretty good luck with it.
  2. alkaline


    I shaved my legs a couple of times. The second time was possibly the most excrtiating pain I have ever been in. I didn't sleep for two days, and I couldn't wear pants. I just sat around the house in my underwear. I've been meaning to try that Epil-stop spray stuff. I heard it works good, and since I liked no having hair on my legs ...
  3. alkaline


    She's okay now. I got a new tube last night and took care of it.
  4. alkaline


    So the other night I was sitting around watching Breaking Away (on DVD ... I also just got American Flyers on DVD and Quicksilver on VHS) when suddenly there was a loud hissing noise. At first we couldn't figure out what it was. Then my roomate pointed out that the front tire of my bike was deflating (my bike is in the living room). The valve had ripped away from the body of the tube, and I can't figure out how. It was really weird, because I haven't riden in a few days. I think she's trying to tell me something.
  5. alkaline


    Hahaha! That billboard is rad. I had another lazy weekend, but I bought a cycling jacket to help motivate me to ride on those cool, hazy, Texas winter days. I also decided to not buy a new bike. Instead I'm just going to upgrade my Pista with all kinds of swank components, and then when my lady isn't paying attention, I'm gonna order a custom Ti track frame. Bwah hahahahahaha!
  6. alkaline


    Kind of weird how we all used to skateboard, huh?
  7. alkaline


    Happy birthday, Cinnamon! I agree. It is quite amazing how such a simple, and as Hesh put it, artful device could make so many people so happy. Keep going with the stories.
  8. alkaline


    On a side note ... Last night, I was talking with my fiance about the new bike that I want to buy soon. She says, "That will be the second bike you've bought since we've been together! That's crazy! I've had the same bike since I was a kid!" She just doesn't get it ... She doesn't love bikes. That's okay. Some people are that way, and there is nothing wrong with it. But it got me thinking ... what was it, that made you love to ride bikes? Was it a specific moment, or a feeling that grew over time? I think for me, at first, it was the freedom. I've talked with my lady about this. She asked me to tell her a happy memory, and I told her about the day I learned to ride my bike by myself. She knew I would tell her that it was the freedom of riding that made that memory so happy for me, but she asked just the same. When I was about 12, I retired from bike riding, after a number of painful and graphic crashes. A few years ago, my love was rediscovered on a vacation to Colorado (see previous story). I became enthralled with the simplicity of a bicycle. I started riding again (on bikes that I would borrow from friends) and later bought my first bike in years. I've been hooked since then (a relapse if you will). So how did it happen for you?
  9. alkaline


    Amen to that. I'm about a grand in the hole right now, and I'm about to get married. Right now, I've got a decent job, so I'll be able to pay it off before the wedding (hopefully), but still, it's there. That's some shit you don't want to mess with. I keep my bike money in a box in my room. Every paycheck, I put a little bit in. It worked for a while, but some things have come up lately that have forced me to take some of that money out. It's still a good system though. I'll be on a new bike in a few months ... I hope.
  10. alkaline


    Mmmmmm. I might be back at a bike shop in a few months (when I move to Houston). Hopefully I can afford to buy some new parts for my bike while I'm there.
  11. alkaline


    Want to go forward? Pedal forward. Want to stop? Pedal backwards. That's basically it.
  12. alkaline


    Purty. I've been lazy as hell the past few days. I suck.
  13. alkaline


    Bump from page 5. I need to ride.
  14. alkaline


    Tearz: No new paint job yet. It is on my list of things to do in the next few months. cinnamon: Congrats, man. That's really great that you might be getting sponsored.
  15. alkaline


    I've been riding a lot more lately. I've made a decision to try not to drive anywhere that is within 5 or 10 miles of my apartment (except for bad weather days). I'm having a lot of fun and getting stronger (I won't be winning any races, but whatever), so I'm happy.
  16. alkaline


    I just thought this was amazing, and since it's on topic, I decided that everyone should read it again.
  17. alkaline


    How about that white bar tape on his bike. Does that kill or what? I want a fixie that's straight 80's like that.
  18. alkaline


    It's just ghetto, that's all. My brother's bike is like that. He couldn't afford a "real" bike, so he took my dad's old road racer and coverted it with scrapped parts from the shop he worked at. His bike was nearly 100% free. Don't get me wrong though, as soon as he can afford the real deal, that P.O.S. is going in the garbage.
  19. alkaline


    TEARZ, where do you get all of your videos? Hesh, you need to start messengering again or something. If I had enough money right now, I'd drive up there and we could motivate each other to ride. I've been riding for the past couple of days. I quit smoking (cigarettes) on Friday night, and after the few days of constant irritability passed, I'm feeling really good.
  20. alkaline


    Today, I was basically left all by myself in my office. Everybody else went to check out the site of the new store we're opening soon. I realized that nobody was there to tell me what to do or even to notice if I was missing. So I did what any self-respecting Stonecutter would do in my situation ... I went for a bike ride. I was gone for an hour and a half, and not a single soul noticed. Hahahahaha.
  21. alkaline


    Four. I've already started dipping into my bike fund. I hate being broke.
  22. alkaline


    I wear a pair of Smith Toasters. I've had them for a couple of years, and I like them a lot. I do need to order some different colored lenses. I had the standard brown, orange, and yellow. I really want the clear lenses.
  23. alkaline


    The lady and I got a digital camera for Christmas, so I'll post pics of my bikes when I figure out how to get the damn pictures from the camera to my computer.
  24. alkaline


    Riding while you are drunk/stoned is fun, but it is even better at about two in the morning, and there isn't a single car on the road. Then you don't have to worry about getting hit while you're swerving all over the place.
  25. alkaline


    I was a little drunk as well on the way home last night. I love doing that.
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