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Al Green

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Everything posted by Al Green

  1. until the next update http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/toes_b.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/molepeople.jpg'>
  2. these next images are from while you were sleeping issue 3 and 12 oz prophet issue 1 http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine15.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine16.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine17.jpg'> hevlox cameo con Prey no limits to fame.. good mag. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine18.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine19.jpg'> was the back cover done by the J? http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine20.jpg'> bandwith bandit
  3. re:rookie not only am i trying to slim down. i need some serious sunlight. give a holler before you head out this weekend. slimeball if youre feeling better give me a ring the rest of my week is pretty open.
  4. do whatever you want man.. its the babble. just keep the momentum upwards.
  5. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine10.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine09.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine11.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine12.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine13.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine14.jpg'> the grandfather.
  6. another page of OTG http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine05.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine06.jpg'>jew pushing twa http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine07.jpg'> this style was really popular on the west coast in the early 90's this is Jick CBS. but youve probably seen alot of people rocking a similar technique. this is from an issue of rap pages that was strictly graffiti from 96. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine08.jpg'> xpress rocking a similar style
  7. retard was kidding... im pretty sure.. unless the bitch is angry i havent called him recently. but now on to the next installment. magazines. the first is apage from graphotism issue 11 '98 it features the fantastic work of eros and monk from boston. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine01.jpg'> the second page is from scribble issue 1 http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine02.jpg'> next is a piece of igtimes.. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine03.jpg'> and the following is from OTG issue 9 the magoo is fresh http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/zine04.jpg'>
  8. sweet im getting a gil what the fuck is a gil oh and ill get you back for those fucked up cds i burned you once i get a new burner.
  9. dood i was sooooo on aim. like 5 minutes totally after you like.. must have signed off. best in show is on.
  10. keep bumped if youre pumped until i have time to post more stuff. and most of this stuff isnt mine.. like most writers i have some archived work. i might scan some old zines next if people are interested.
  11. hatchi matchi bump my own shit:rolleyes:
  12. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/thetwins.jpg'> backside of sticker http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/thetwins2.jpg'> fuckfashion http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/diamond.jpg'> minotaur fucking care of diamond eagle fucky fucky sucky sucky touch my sweet meats. stay tuned.-bobbylon
  13. bobby hope exclusive http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/elephantightus.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/smoke2_gangsters.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/sectr_canvas_01.jpg'>
  14. back to the filthy http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/coco.jpg'> coco http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/sectrtag_99.jpg'> melty sectr tag http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/chaz.jpg'> if i remember correctly this is chaz
  15. here is some stuff from '99 this stuff is not graffiti it was part of an exercise i was trying out..with the intent of not getting caught up in what i was making. basically id start a page and let it bleed or create its ghost image on the next page.. and then utilize bleed marks and such to influence the next composition. i used to find alot of photos which become important elements for the compositions also ..stupid stuff like color palettes and such. unfortunately these are just a few out of order. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/bb_99.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/laytex_mold_spread_99.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/maillabel_99.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/frames_99.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/framesb_99.jpg'>
  16. theyre not stencils. but it is almost time foh moh.
  17. since swoon's stuff is made of paper http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/swoon_01.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/swoon_02.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/swoon_03.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/swoon_04.jpg'> blessed.
  18. "...praise to the god of war"- george bush jr. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/ares.jpg'>
  19. the reverend. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/algreen.jpg'>
  20. bump till i scan more.
  21. for a limited time viewing. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/fuelpaintmarker.jpg'> rest in power http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/fuelthrow.jpg'> taken too early http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/sectr.jpg'> and now for some space men http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/spaceman_01.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/spaceman_02.jpg'> -bobbylon
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