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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2009 in all sections

  1. rusto likes hanging out the window apparently cool tunnel 70lb lap dog california sunset, dirty windshield. back to the city by the bay finally. grubbed out on this. thats all folks. i'm gonna start trying to be more active in this thread again, its a good one.
    3 points
  2. Haha, yes! Couple of years back my brother was moving to Florida and after his going away party we both got into seperate cars and on the same highway both threw up exactly like that, all over the sides of the cars. Only difference was mine was all over my boy's shitty Buick, his was on his girl's Range Rover
    2 points
  3. Went out to get a poutine so i can keep drinking.. There was a french music festival at the same time.. So we had a poutine watching one of the gayest french rap shows i ever heard.. came back to the spot and this girl kept coming back for more and more.. i found a vid of her on youtube.. She raps, check it out LOLZ.. Her name is abbie normal.. Montreal's Finest.. Everything around the event looked like this by 11 pm Got inside the bar that hosts UP.. went to the bathroom to take a leak.. I spot a girl i know chilling in the mans bathroom.. i say hello , her friend come out the shitter.. Starts tagging the mirrors. I was like, ohhh we got some girl writers in the man's bathroom.. So the bitch walked up to me and started tagging on my white t while i was pissing.. WTFFFFFF I rumbled with the hoe with my dick out.. threatened that i would piss on her..she said DO ITTT.. she went kinda wild so i let her go. Shout out to Similak for hooking me up with a clean under pressure T . I was too dunk to take flicks at this point. except this one. hope you enjoyed..
    2 points
  4. Then him and his buddy wouldn't leave me alone. Haha.. I love the Macro function on my camera. Made some chicken tacos.. Went to the magazine stand. For some reason I really like them. I always feel like I may discover something really cool. The End.
    2 points
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco
    1 point
  6. indeed, yeah i wondered what happened with that. lets see a schnitzel's crazy travels across n. america photo superthread.
    1 point
  7. Acer... Portland. We have a full calendar of racing through all disciplines. We're pretty damn lucky. Hey Rubbish, have you seen this? - - I don't know who it is but it's someone from Portland. Shit is pretty funny. They nailed the fixie guy perfectly... there's not a lot of kids who look like that here but they're multiplying fairly quickly. Some of my team mates and I have been talking about doing the 3/4 race at least on the last PIR of the season.
    1 point
  8. adek actually has been putting in some light work uptown on the east side yall niggas need to stop hating though for real for real none of you have gone to cali and done anything anywhere so who are you to say anything?and every tag in Manhattan counts for 10 in any other borough thats just a fact of life everyone has to go to Manhattan its the capital of the world why do you niggas act like you dont know this
    1 point
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear suki, 6 lbs?!....thats awesome!!...good job!....and i noticed you are taking a protein supplement now....thats great, because when we talked about that before, i was concerned that you werent getting nearly as much protein as you needed. yeah, ive lost about 4 or 5 more pounds since you saw me last, but i still have a ways to go! keep up the good work, cG
    1 point
  10. 1 point
    1 point
  12. this was meant as a compliment by the way to both writers.
    1 point
  13. none of this stuff is from chicago...why dont ya start a gary thread...
    1 point
  14. finished hope you like man the "A" went little bit bigger then other and the "S" went smaller =\
    1 point
  15. then lets roll alts ill finish yours today mine is VIRE05
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. False that was yesturday tpbm has to get up early for some reason tommrow
    1 point
  19. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD that one is weird this one is awesome i kinda wanna learn cpr now
    1 point
  20. http://thecomeupbmx.net/videos/detroit-street-jam one little hint... porab has a clip in there ^^^
    1 point
  21. I haven't seen the regal yet, but I liked the truck! Get it back now, I'm tired of you guys Frequently Buying Superannuated Klunkers that you could be getting cash for.
    1 point
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