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What Women Want?

Guest WebsterUno

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Guest WebsterUno

Women are mysterious.

I got a call last night from one of my *friends. I ask how

his kids and girlfriend are doing and he tells me she shacked up

with his UNCLE?!?! She even got his named tattooed on her

FUCKING NECK. A few weeks before that, a friend of mine

tells me his mom and dad split up, after 24 years. His mom

left his dad for another man, after listeing to his story, I figured

she left for security. Another friend of mine tells me his girl

had pix of her and some dude all hugged up, and kissy facing.

Also, a older guy just opened up on me on the way to a Raider

game, he tells me his wife, of many years, just up and left.

She changed her hair color, bought some new clothes, and

wrote her husband a 'Dear John' letter, left him with the kids,

and said she found a younger man, and that he could keep the kids.

Now my question is, for the ladies, what do you girls really

care about, is it looks, money and a hefty package, or are you

about a man, a real hardworking, loving, and honest man.

What happend to 'through sickness and in health' 'till death

do us part'? Has mainstream america watered down our morals?

It made me think, after hearing dudes story, about how fucked

up that would be if I had a wife, and after so long, she just left,

without warning. If I get married, that would be it, I wouldnt be

doggin females anymore. You may think Im lying, but Im serious,

marriage is something really serious, and I dont take fucking

with my emotions lightly…Whats the dilly?

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Speaking as a married man, I feel the same way as you. I got married for the first and last time four years ago. I won't do it again because I shouldn't have to. I have no reason to dig in someone else's crates and neither does my wife. If it were to happen, things would get scarey I assure you. I wouldn't divorce my wife. I'd work it out. Especially if I had kids. Especiallyif I had kids.


Women are tricky... I'd like to hear a few reactions myself. Keep in mind though, us boys like to play games too.

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Its hard to say what women in general want, as i get older and older i realize more and more how awful and ill-willed people really are. im becoming very jaded. as far as what i want in a guy is honesty, im always straight up with people, sometimes i think i may be brutally honest but i feel its better then being a liar. i just want people to tell me how they feel. if you are honest with me and show me that you love me just by listening to me, and caring thats good enough for me. in relationships i basically end up handing someone my heart and having them step on it. its hard to say, everyone gets fucked over. but the cheating thing is retarded, people want to have their cake and eat it too.

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Guest Pilau Hands

You have to keep in mind though, as much as those experiences seemed to come in one lump, I still have a hard time thinking that's the majority. I mean maybe it's me and my fucked up optimistic bubble, but I don't think most girls are fucked up. I don't think most guys are shitheads either. From talking, or just seeing the reactions of the few girls on this board, I don't think any of them are like the women you described above...but then again maybe those women were perfectly happy at one point or another. In Crazy In Alabama, girl just chopped her husband's head off because he turned into a fucking ungrateful asshole. Some people are born messed up in the head...others are made that way by their experiences.


I have pretty good relationships with the girls I'm with, cause it plays out that way. You know the difference between just dating or sleeping with this girl, and having a relationship with someone who gets you. Some people marry that bedmate, marry the person that treats them like shit...and it just doesn't work out. They wonder why.

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Guest imported_Tesseract
Originally posted by Joker

Women are tricky... I'd like to hear a few reactions myself. Keep in mind though, us boys like to play games too.


The thing is that it doesnt matter.

Ones life is based on motivation.

If you decide things for the wrong reasons, you'll fuck up forever

But some wrong decicions are worth going to hell for.

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gosh that makes me mad


webster that is totally fucked up...but i tell ya, my morals are in the same page as you are. i honestly dunno what or why those women did what they did or even what the hell went in their mind. once you marry a person, i beleive that it should be forever. obviously, they found better and got over their partners for life. everyone has different morals and everyone grows. i think its really about growing. because growing is all about change. change meaning in what you want. the women weren't thinking about their futures, they were thinking about the present. what they want and not what's best nor right. i think also its about selfishness. they simply dont give two shits on who they hurt. but it may be a different story to all of them as well. maybe they felt "little" or didnt get enough attention from their man. so they have to find it somewhere else. which is mostly the case. a woman wants someone to give them as much as attention as they can get. like i said in an another post, we feed off of it. and whoever gives it to us, we will go to. which is really sad. but once that man gives us the attention, its all over. we want that damn attention. or maybe the women just got over the men and want to move on to other endeavors. which comes back to the whole moral issue.


in my case, no material aspects matter to me at all. fuck that. materials can come and go. i guess i got that from growing up somewhere where materials didnt matter. that and my parents taught me right. i come out here (cali) and that's what the majority of the girls think here. if you didnt have a nice car, they wont get with you. or if you werent rich, they didnt get with you. orrrr...this is so fuckign stupid....if you didnt have the right clothes, they wont get with you. i think the whole thing is stupid. some would get with a guy who treats them awefully but says that they love them....but he has a car. so typical. i came out here and met a guy who didnt have a car, didnt have a liscence, had really bad clothes (graf writer of course)....but he knew how to treat me well. and that was all that mattered to me. i don't understand the mentality of some of the girls in this state. and i dont think i want to understand because if they are going to be so small minded, its not worth my time. in any other case, i am still with that guy after 4 years. and he still has no car, no liscence, and still has really bad clothes (well not really, he grew out of the baggy clothing stage). and you know what? he works hard, he is honest, he is loving, he gives me all the attention that i want and need, and he tries the best to make my life so much more easier to live.


advice to those girls that have fucked up their situations, whether it be good or bad: they might have missed out on a very good thing. but everyone goes through changes. its the choice that represents the kind of person you are.

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we have to remember that people are individuals. if they do something fucked up they do it for selfish reasons, and aren't doing it because of their gender/race/social standing. in these cases, the one thing all the women had in common was that they weren't happy/satisfied with something. What do women want? they want to be happy and satisfied with their life. just like men. these women's problem's that try to find happiness through dishonesty. and abandoning your kid is just very selfish

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i consider myself a "good guy" yet i seem to always finish last when it comes to women. but it also seem that the "good girls" out there also seem to always shack up with the assholes. maybe its opposites attract i dont really know. no offense to the good women out there but i would say that from my point of view is that north america is definetely example of lower morality. the women always seem to have a story book romance in their heads of what they want and deserve. and when we come along they dump us for the assholes because we might treat them like princesses but we dont always look like princes.

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As someone who is older and has been married once before, I think I can add some light to this. First off those scenarios are extreme and would probably make good Springer material. The problem is that you are not showing the other side of the story. You have the guys side, who is saying "I don't know why". Let me tell you, rarely are these situations one-sided. If you have no idea why your girl left you, the fact that you are not listening or paying attention is the reason. Girls always want to talk things out, they are always concerned about how the relationship is going, and we also tend to get a bit bitter after awhile and make scathing comments about all the things you do to piss us off. So I am sure that these guys you talked to were not completely innocent in the situation.


Devilush was right on the money about most of the stuff she said. For me I think the biggest problem is when two people grow into different directions and one or both is unwilling to bend and make compromises. For example, if she is going to school and getting her shit together, maybe wants to get married and start a family, she is not going to be happy for long if her man is still drinking 40's all day, running from the cops, and not making any money or progress in his life. So let's then suppose she tells him she is ready to be responsible and grow up a little, and the response she gets is "Hey babe, chill out, I'm doing my thing." Eventually she is not going to wait for him to come around. Don't forget, women tend to mature faster than man and are ready for those next steps in life at an earlier age.


That was just an example. There are so many different reasons for couples to divorce, but most of them boil down to lack of communication and or selfishness.

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Oh yeah, slightly off topic but the things serum said about romance novels reminded me of something.


Romance novels are extremely popular as you know. Most are written by woman and read by woman. There is a reason for this. These books verbalize the fantasies woman have about the way they want to be treated for the most part. The romance is the big part here.


For a crash course in what a woman is talking about when it comes to romance, read one of these books. Not a cheesy Harlequin, but a well written novel. Ask you girl or you sister, what kinds of books they read and start there.

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Guest WebsterUno



Yeah, thats what Im talking about. Those storybook fantasies. My mom raised me to respect women

as well. I dont know the whole situation for the first situation. He just told me she lives with him, from one

day to the next, she just dropped it on him. The second scenario was a bult-up thing. The dad was used to treat

the mom like shit, he would drink alot, he was a womanizer, and hardly ever said the right things. So I

guess I can see her popint of view. She probably got tired f it all. It seems like she wanted more, again, that

storybook fantasy comes into play. Get this, the guy she left him for has a fat crib in the hills, and is pretty set for life.

He has $$, fat cars, and takes her out to eat 4 times a week.He told me all this, so theres the other side of that. Third

situation, well he says that she felt he wasnt giving her enough "attention". So she was seeing someone on the side,

getting that attention she wanted. 4th, he says she just left. Just left everything, she didnt take anything with her.

She was going through a phase or something, she had an affair, and left her husband of 12-13 years for this new meat.

Maybe he did something to drive her to cheating. I think that attention thing came into play here again. He seemed

like one of those beer swigging, trashtalkin, RAIDER FAN! And as bobbi said, women grow u0p faster, so she

probably saw him as that 40oz drinkin, cop dodging, lowlife, and split. So Im guessing, yeah, women want attention,

and more romance, real, true, from the heart romance. Thing is, how do you know when the girl

deserves it. Ive seen fools spend all kinda of loot, and time into a relationship, and then just get dumped like yesterdays trash.

Or some girls just play men for their stuff, rides, $$$, and maybe a place to stay. I know, some men are the same way.

Some men are just str8 dogz. Thats whats weird though, Ill see a guy who wants to love a girl, not just consume her,

but shell go for the consumer, rather then the provider, because of his good looks, or his status. Women are mysterious.

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I see what you are saying Web, I see it too. I think the deal is with our social conditioning. As a country we are pretty shallow and fucked up and the ideals we teach are children are wack. Instead of looking for a mate that is stable, kind, good father material, respectful, yada yada....we look for what the media and advertising tells us is the perfect mate. Good looking, rich, snazzy, all the surface things. We have really let our values go to hell. Divorce, premarital cohabitation, out of wedlock children are all run of the mill things, while it used to be a terrible and shocking act. Shame and guilt are powerful motivators. People were more likely to stick around and do what was right if they knew that their family and friends would be ashamed of them if they didn't. Now you can do pretty much anything without repercussions of that kind. So I think an overall lack of morals is killing our society and what you are talking about is a symptom of the larger disease.


Curiously, in regards to cheating you are talking about....Most women with the exception of small percentages (hence the use of Most) do not put he importance upon sex that men do. I doubt very much that most of the affairs you were exposed to had anything with sex and more to do with that attention thing.

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Guest WebsterUno



Uh huh…thats what Im thinking. My girl says sex isnt

what its ALL about. I know for a fact, women can go without

much longer than a man can. Thats why its so easy for them

to send us to the couch for a few days. So yeah, sex wasnt the

main motivation for their leaving. It was all emotions, and that

lack of attention that women want. I dont think ALL females

are the same, honestly I did back in the day, but Ive learned,

through experience, that they are not. I can give a girl a chance,

but its hard, it really is. I had a situation happen to me, personally.

Ill tell you. I met this girl on the bus back in like 95. She told me

she didnt have a BF, so I threw a lil ryhme and got her #. We

chilled, and had a few episodes. I started falling, know what I mean.

So Im at work, and my homie passes by (I worked for a lil cart in

the mall) and we get to talkin. Guess who happens to passs by?

My new ladyfriend, and she just stopped, said hi, and her jaw dropped

when she saw my friend. She just started walking real fast. My friend

turns to me and asked if I knew her. I said, " Hell yeah I know her,

Im sorta with her." He laughs and says, "No way, shes engaged!"

"Engaged to my friend, are you sure youre with her?" I tell him

about all the times me and her kicked it, and he tells me who shes

with. It just sso happend, I knew him. "OMG", I start thinking. So

my friend tells his friend about whats going on. He confronts his

girlfriend, and I get a call. She yelling at me, telling me, "Why are

you telling my man we fucked?" "I never had sex with you!"

Im like, "What The FUCK!?!?!" So I says, "Why are you saying this?"

Shes telling her man, who is in the background, that I wish I was

with her, and nothing ever happend between me and her. Guess what,

HE BELIEVED HER! I could not believe it myself. She straight lied

to him, and he believed her. Her sister was cool with me, I saw her a few

months back, and she told me they got kids now and they went through

with the marriage. Thats what Im talking about, crazy shit.

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The other thing to keep in mind is that woman have the capability of being players, just like men. Nobody really thinks twice if a guy is seeing several women at once. In fact his friends may think he is quite the man. With the lessening of values I was talking about some girls are thinking it's their turn to have fun. And some women are just tramps, just like some men are.


The other thing that is not being addressed here is what these girls look like. My guess is that most of them are somewhere between very pretty and drop dead. I am sure you have all had friends that are Brad Pitt good looking and they treat their women like shit. They do this because they can. They are picky because they can be. There will always be other girls looking at them, because they are so attractive. Same goes with women, even more so. If a woman is fine, a man's brain tends to go on vacation for awhile and he doesn't really notice what a bitch she is.


On the other hand, a person who is not model material, doesn't get as many offers is going to put more effort into the relationship, because they don't have someone just waiting in the wings.


Am I making sense?

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Guest WebsterUno



Its perfectly clear, what you are saying to me.

Yes, I can say they were some lookers. The first

female was fairly pretty. The second lady was

very pretty for her age. She is a woman who

would do for her man, I knew her well. She would

do everything, she was a real nice person. Next

girl was fairly pretty as well. She had game, too

much for her own good though. Ive never seen

the last lady, but my guess is, she was too.

Im at the point in my life where I feel like settling

down, but with stories like that, Im scared to give

it my all, am I making any sense? :(

Im still fairly young, and I shouldnt be thinking

that way, but I aint getting any younger, and Im

just tired of all the bullshit, knowWhatImSaying?

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Originally posted by bobobi11

Put your extinct animal back in your pants. Attention and respect are the main things. Good sex is a bonus that comes from a good relationship. Besides if you are talking about women like you just did, you probably don't know what good sex is.


first id like to say that your 1st comment was fucking hillarious and second... from all the girls that i know thats what they want. i have a good relationship thats been on for 4 yrs. no disrespect to any women i know that all of you arent like that, i've met a few. but the majority that i know are like that...... sorry thats just my experiences

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Guest WebsterUno



Ok, I got a new question.

Girl wants me to take her to

NutCracker, that or Riverdance.

What would you do, and do I

have any alternatives? Im not

that kind of guy, nahmean.

Im pizza and beer,

shes lobster and wine, whats

a jigga to do? Help!?!?!?!

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Re: *believe*


Originally posted by WebsterUno

Ok, I got a new question.

Girl wants me to take her to

NutCracker, that or Riverdance.

What would you do, and do I

have any alternatives? Im not

that kind of guy, nahmean.

Im pizza and beer,

shes lobster and wine, whats

a jigga to do? Help!?!?!?!


Nutcracker wwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyy before Riverdance. Nutcracker has good music and will probably help to put you in the Christmas mood - something that a lot of people are finding hard to do this season (and for good reason [!]). Riverdance is just plain ridiculous. Like Chandler from Friends said - "Their legs flail about like they're not attached to the body!"


With that in mind, I assume that your question was more in the general sense of what to do when your desires conflict .. not which show to take her to. As far as that goes, I've found that it's simply compromise. I know it sucks, but sometimes a dude's gotta suck it up and do something he might not want to do .. for the betterment of the relationship.


But maybe that's just me.

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Originally posted by bobobi11

I see what you are saying Web, I see it too. I think the deal is with our social conditioning. As a country we are pretty shallow and fucked up and the ideals we teach are children are wack. Instead of looking for a mate that is stable, kind, good father material, respectful, yada yada....we look for what the media and advertising tells us is the perfect mate. Good looking, rich, snazzy, all the surface things. We have really let our values go to hell. Divorce, premarital cohabitation, out of wedlock children are all run of the mill things, while it used to be a terrible and shocking act. Shame and guilt are powerful motivators. People were more likely to stick around and do what was right if they knew that their family and friends would be ashamed of them if they didn't. Now you can do pretty much anything without repercussions of that kind. So I think an overall lack of morals is killing our society and what you are talking about is a symptom of the larger disease.


Curiously, in regards to cheating you are talking about....Most women with the exception of small percentages (hence the use of Most) do not put he importance upon sex that men do. I doubt very much that most of the affairs you were exposed to had anything with sex and more to do with that attention thing.



man..this guy is on point

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