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todays my birthday


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OUCH...your gettin torn apart kid. Thats rough...


Well in any event, im gonna say this, its your eightenth(spelling...) birthday. Why the fuck are you on this board?? YOUR SUCH A FUCKIN LAME ASS BITCH...


No, but seriously, go buy a cigar, light that shit up and smoke it while piecing your birthday frieght with a fire inside. Happy b day man.

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Guest Wilt

yeah im just kidding...happy birthdayand shit....go to....a strip club....or a bar..or something..i dunno..what do 18 year olds do..

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Originally posted by cmeup

happy b day! woooooooooooooooooooo *fart!*


you just a toy member man... no luv for you yet! :D






a TOY member damn ....a 18 yearold toy.....aight... that will shit on you trust me.....i need no love! :D

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Guest ceas902

Dont spend your 18th birthday alone.. fuck... go buy a hooker with your birthday money or somethin....

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It's all good,bro,at least you can buy cigarettes legally along with some smut magazines-hope it gets better.peace.

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Originally posted by OPIUM3

I think you should go buy a rifle, now that it is completely legal for you to buy, own, and carry one. Climb to the top of some bell tower, and re-enact the JFK conspiracy.

i like this idea go too it bro.
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Guest ego trippin

All i did for my 18th is kicked it at my house by myself, with a six pack of beer, and the matrix on video. After i watched the matrix and drank the six pack, I got stuck into the Jim Beam black label and watched the Cope 2 video. i then proceeded to go out and chuck up happy birthdays to myself with a fat cap on a crowded street, middle of the day.


But i'm sure you're having fun.

Happy birthday dude

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