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photoshop geek sessions


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fuck! I've tried that so many times...but i always get horrible scans and sketchy lines, and then i can't fill it with much but solid colors...i usually just end up using different filters. If you could tell me how you went about doing that i would appreiciate it a lot....

usually i am good with photoshop...but i just can't seem to work with sketches on it.



oh and by the way your shit is hot!

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word...usually this is what i do..


first you gotta pay attention to your outline...make sure all the parts are filled in and lines are connected where they need to be..the smallest gap causes huge headaches ...


after the outline is done..i'll scan it in as rgb...don't scan it as line art...cuz it makes shit super jagged...if i'm just doin shit to fuck around for the screen i'll scan it at 150dpi and then bring it down to 72 once it's scanned and cleaned up..if i'm actually gonna use shit for a printed piece..i scan it at least at 300dpi..sometimes hiigher.....after the scan is done...in photoshop bump up the brightness and the contrast so the paper is pure white and your outline is pure black, but not too much because the thin lines will get mad jaggy...


after i adjust the contrast...i usually will take the magic wand tool and select the bg out of the piece...just to leave the outline and a white fill...this will give you the foundation to work off...


basically duplicate the layer the piece is on...turn it off for now..and then just bust a fill over the piece..use the whole shape of the piece to create a layer mask so your fill doesn't pass the edges...after you do your fill..take the duplicated piece...bring it to the top most layer in th layers pallette...and then bust the blending mode to multiply...


multiply will just let the dark show..it won't show the white in the fill of the letters so it won't effect your fill...and it keeps the outline nice and crisp...


after fuckin around and selecting different things it's not that hard...i did the fill that i posted in like 10 minutes...


just think about how you would paint the shit..and build it in steps the same way you paint..it's all relative...




[This message has been edited by enueone (edited 09-18-2001).]

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Here's a more precise way to handle coloring/ manipulating black and white artwork. This is the way professionals color comic books, for example.


This is more precise, more fleixible and produces smaller file sizes than coloring with extra layers.


Scan at twice the output size. That gives you more information to work with. Meaning, for the web I scan at 150 DPI. Grayscale.


In Photoshop, Image> Adjust Levels to get the whites white and the blacks black. (you can also play with simple brightness and constrast here, as well)


Convert the Image to RGB or CMYK


Then (and this is the important bit), create a new Channel. Name it "lineart." Go to channel options and set the display color for this channel to black (or whateve else will be high-contrast enough to show up while you're coloring.)


Select All, then copy and paste the artwork into the new channel. You now have a loadable selection that is a perfect copy of the artwork. Using the magic wand, because of anti-aliasing, is imperfect (as can be witnessed in the little white areas around the outline in your work.)


Using the existing outline as a guide, fill the orignal image with base colors. background, fillin, etc. Nothing complicated, just blocks of color. Work over the black in the outline for the most part. Then create a new Channel, call it "flats" and (select all, copy and paste everything into the new channel.) You now have a loadable selection of the fill/ background of the piece. Very useful for applying complicated techniques to areas( more complicated that a simple gradient for example). Make sure this channel is deselected.


Using Select> Load Selection> to load the two selections (lineart and flats) as needed, color the damned thing.


When you're done and you want to apply the outline, simple Load the lineart selection, make sure it's inverted and Edit> Fill with whatever color you want to fill it with.





buddha bless you

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haha...man...yall need to chill out...

.you need a role model or somethin..


why even get vexed...no one here is tryin to pass it off like it's graf..


heads post sketches...


so what if i fuck with my sketches in the program i scan it in...is that making your life more miserable than it already is?...


i've painted..i still paint here and there..i catch tags everyday i'm in the city..


you got some issues if you're mad about a thread full of colored in sketches....


the title of this thread IS "photoshop geek sessions"..if you don't want any part of it than don't post..


but whatever..you're prolly 15 or some shit..ain't no use tryin to talk sense...

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Originally posted by 2slim:

i agree...everyone on this post IS a fag.. anyone who does computer generated graffiti can fuck off you pussies!!!!!!!!!


Well than you are a real fuckin idot......you use a computer every day to see graff and you use the computer to talk shit about graff so why not do graff on the computer ............hypocrite n : a person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold [syn: dissembler, phony, phoney]

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Originally posted by modern ep ta:

well its nice to see that everyone on this post is a fuckin fag!







hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahaha hahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahh




hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahaha hahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahh




hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahaha hahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahh




hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahh AWESOME!

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first of all...you are ignorant in calling us fags...i happen to be a determined heterosexual. Secondly FUCK YOU for being so negative, having such a closed mind,

and just being a bitch. What is wrong with heads posting some shit they did,

.weither it is with a camera, a pencil, or a computer...and nobody IS trying to be like oh shit i went computer bombing or some shit...

post some sketches and then bitch...i consider all this art,

.and good art at that

or just keep your fucking whining to yourself.


enue..how do you do those background?


[This message has been edited by dr. frink one (edited 09-18-2001).]

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Originally posted by Kr430n5_666:



fuckin morons. dope shit guys.


So..let me guess..you can't paint, can't draw, can't get laid, and can't draw graff on your computer so you talk shit........ you win guy..........stay the fuck of this site.

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I love how the "E" is just like SWET did it...plus I like the "N" when I look at it quick it looks like a Swet "W" this gets two thumbs up!!! This looks great! I think Swet would be proud of you......

Which outline of Swet did you scan in? Photoshop is a great tool! I use it everyday! Try not to BITE with it.


[This message has been edited by str8underground (edited 09-19-2001).]

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