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Paper Chase Boredom Challange

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Let's see if you paper chasers out there can make a huge word into something that flows nicely, piece style.


Mods, if you feel this thread should be deleted, feel free. Just curious who can make this look good.


Yes, it is a stupid idea. But do you think you could do it?


The words: Hiphopapotamus, Aphrodisiac, Hydrophobia, Orthoscopic, Obstructionism


This isn't a contest for prizes, strictly for fun. But, whoever participates who would like some half-printer-paper size stickers or Marks-A-Lot markers can feel free to PM me.


So, if you're bored, get to it. If you're not, don't. And please don't fill the thread with bullshit. If you don't like it, don't reply, move on.


Let's see who can make this flow and look good.



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Originally posted by cheerleader

it wouldnt be *that* bad of an idea if it was an actual word as opposed to ex-raver cum hiphop 4element crap. hiphopawhatapuss?


Good point. the reason for a name is for a producer from Cali.


So, scratch that, new word.


New words to try: Aphrodisiac, Hydrophobia, Orthoscopic, Obstructionism


Long and Complicated.

Try it out if you want. Remember, you don't have to do shit. But if you're bored, go ahead and do it. If not, don't. simple as that.



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