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My computer is broken!


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anyone know how to fix my computer. I think i deleated something and everytime i turn it on it says opperating system not found... thats all.

What do i do.


Im on another computer write now and such so I will chek it for a responce. im guessing im fuked and hafta re install my whole freekin computer but if thats not the case i would like to know what to do.



your neighborhood friendly snowman

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lol u deleted windows? ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah o my fuccing god, thats funny shit, yah, format an reinstall buddy.

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Guest NATO

the motherboard on the shared PC is fucked. and the battery on my laptop has died. iam a curse to technology.

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not to sound cliche and corny here...but...i believe you may have gotten a virus.


viruses are responsible for deleteting such things...that and stupid people. you must be a stupid person.


hahha im just shitting your pants here, god.


but yes, you will have to restore your computer and you will lose everything you had on there other than default installations.


it sucks, i've done it a good handful of times..but it is cool because you get to start over and its nice to have a neat computer and shit.


when you have your computer back to the way it was when you first got it, strive to keep it neat and nice. sloppy computers a fuck rocks.


dance like a magician.


here is the day.

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Guest -sudz-

yo man, i dont know when you posted this, but i hope it was tonight (the 12th), i need to talk to you, i might give you a call tomorrow. shit's happening.

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yeah reformat it

and avoid os like windows 2000, coz they have a lot of bugs... if you want really reliable os, try a linux (redhat or something), because windows gets virused a lottt easier.

i still use windows, but that's coz i don't really care

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Originally posted by KaMeArT

yeah reformat it

and avoid os like windows 2000, coz they have a lot of bugs... if you want really reliable os, try a linux (redhat or something), because windows gets virused a lottt easier.

i still use windows, but that's coz i don't really care



you couldent be more wrong windows 2000 is prolly the best OS you could have if your running windows and i guess XP is pretty good they say but 2000 reigns supreme put it this way i have been using 2000 for the last year and i have had to restart one time casue of windows crashing

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Originally posted by KaMeArT

and avoid os like windows 2000, coz they have a lot of bugs...


its called patches homey.....keep yourself up to date and you should be fine.....


id definatly have to agree with everyone else though, sounds like your only option is to start from scratch......you may want to double check and call a computer store just to see if there is anything they could do, but odds are good your out of luck.....

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xp is running superb for me....alot better than win98 did...i was running linux for a while and was considering getting lindows so i wouldnt have to dual boot...but in all actuality theres not much i can do with linux anyhow...99% of the programs i use are meant for windows....overall id have to say, dos 6.2 coupled with win3.11 were my favorite ms os's....however xp is quickly winning me over...ive had absolutely no trouble with it....my computer is in immaculate condition

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Originally posted by KaMeArT

and avoid os like windows 2000, coz they have a lot of bugs...


son, you don't know what your're talking about. Sure, the beta test releases of Win2k were a little bit funky, as well as SP1, but SP2 pretty much solidifies the fact that Windows 2000 is the bomb ass operating system. I've never been happier with an OS as STABLE as this (I've had my computer up for more than 3 weeks straight, once)...this OS simply makes 98, 98SE, and ME look like trash


but yea what boogie said, keep the shit patched and updated, no problems for me so far.

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