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Mame, Metal Slug, and Other Ill Shit


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I remember kicking it hella stoned at pizza hut all the time to smoke my friend out at work. During this akward time of waiting I discovered the arcade games off in the far corner and I find a gem called metal slug, I proceed to spend dollars playing this game with little kids cheering me on (actually looking more scared of me) as i pumped quarter after quarter only to get killed, I swear to god i must have pushed like 4 bucks through that fucking game and still didnt beat it. Anyway though that was like 2 years ago, recently I've discovered MAME... oh yes, mame, no more wasting my money that could be well spent on a much more useful things I downloaded metal slug... and sunset riders... oh and samurai shodown, that game was tight too... only problem is I dont remember any other tight arcade games... anyone wanna help me out?

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mame is an amazing thing...


i needto update the OS on my computer cuz the ;latest version of mame that will run on my computer won;t run a lot of nwer games...

but god damn...

marvel vs. capcom gets payed on a daily basis by me...


if anyone knows of any sites that can still post mame roms for more than a few days you should post em... or eamail me, cuz i love me some mame...




marvel vs. capcom

blood brothers

altered beast

contra (way batter than the NES version)


simpsons (although it's over way to quick when you donl;t gotta pay for it)


that's all i can think of right now... most of those are older, cuz like i said i can;t play many newer ones... plus sites that have roms for newer ones get shut down way too quick...

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