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I'll make you pledge your allegiance

Fox Mulder

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thats right. its not a state law in virginia that all children must stand and and say the pledge. if they do not, they will be suspended. they only way you can get out of it is if your parent calls and says they have a religous or philospohical difference. does anyone not see what is wrong with this??? The only thing i could think of was the little kids in Russia who had to say "Thank You comrade Stalin for this wonderful life."


Does anyone see something wrong with forcing someone to pledge to something that is about having freedom and choice????


The people who voted against this bill were called "communists" by the fucking idiot who proposed it.


They even used it in a smear campaign against a women who was running for office(who voted against this idiotic bill).

The add said something like "Mary Beth voted down the bill to make all children say the pledge, call her and tell her that you will not support her for being unamerican!!!"


now anyone who is feeling all patriotic. This has nothing to do with the pledge of allegiance itself. i don't care if you say it or not. its making people say.


i could go on and on about how moronic this is and how something like this could ever get passed!!!!!

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i'd like to say one more thing, this also reminds me of how during the middle ages Charles the Great took over villages and forced the people to become christian or they would be executed. that goes against everything christian. and this Bill goes against everything american!!!

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i pledge to the allegiance to the flag..that micheal jackson is a fag..it was always a great substitute for the other gay alligiance..

fuck the usa...its not free we still have to pay..they want our respect they want our souls..but still they kill...for if you have no money...your life is the toll..hahahha just diarea of the mouth right now...

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yes me too...so what are the poor children of where ever it is gonna do about it..?


hiphip horray! http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'> im just too much of a revolutionary...if i were to join any army it would be the one to over throw the goverment...make some changes here and there..then in the next hundred years some one will over throw that one... http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'> some idiot just like me....

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forceing the pledge 0f allegiance on to yung minds is fuct!why ??? you start learning it around 1st grade.you then remeber it and say it 5 days a week for 12 years strate.when you learn it in 1st grade you remeber the words and most likely dont know what they stand for.when you are older and start thinking more for your self you are so conditioned to saying it that you dont think twice about it.so in a way it is brainwashed in to you.i have so much more to say but lets here some responces???


[This message has been edited by freighthunter (edited 07-07-2001).]

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