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Guest BROWNer

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Guest BROWNer

i need some quick, clever ideas to pool up some money without resorting

to selling my personal items, or borrowing, or robbing.....i know that leaves little options but...anything........let me have it.....i'm fucking short on rent this month and i'm stressin' hard...

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ok.. sorry bout that last post but u said lemme have it...heres some ideas...go buy a santa outfit...stand out in front a mall store, or a business..and ring ur bell...say ur working for some charity...that should get the dough...


dress like a bum and hold a sign that say will work for money...or holda cup...i used to go through my old school with one of those dixie cups saying spare change for lunch....i used to ge 10 or 12 bucks in like 20 mins.....but the trick is to keep the cup emty at all times so ppl think ur not gettin change..


be a pan handeler...


just be creative..there gotta be a way to come with the cash...hope u get it in time though.....:D

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begging is a definite option hang aroun outside newsagents and wait till kids aproach you to buy cigraettes for them they usually just hand over the loot no questions at this point you calmly run like hell.

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good idea on how 2 make fast cash


If ur at ur wits end, have a dumb ass friend rob a bank and u b the driver, when he comes to thegetaway car, u say throw the money in the back and speed away.......or go around ur neighborhood looking 4 dumb kids that r lookin for weed and sell them fat bags of oregano or parsley.... i made $30 off 1 stupid kid i met....sold him a whole bag of parsley...dumb kid, u can either steal some from ur mom's cabinets or scrounge up whatever money u do have and buy some, its really cheap, or gaff it from a CVS.

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I dont know if this is possible, but if you know of any raves you could sell tums to those dumb fuckers cant you sell those shits for like 30 bucks? my friend did it once and made mad money. plus youll prbly never see those kids, or they wouldnt remember anyways.

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<span style='color:darkblue'>funny shit... sellng em tums..well at least they wont have heart burn for a while cause some raver folks of mine pop 6 at a time...but get the excedrine the headache pills that have "e" on em... then get food coloring.. dye em red blue and green...go to a rave find a brain less idiot..sell him 7 for 140..and presto..easy cash....:D</span>

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Guest BROWNer

Re: great ideas


Originally posted by TEARZ

betcha wished you asked now huh browner? ;)

i'll loan you a hundred bucks if you pay me back...


thanks man:)...but i 'bit the bullet'...goddamn:(.....

rent is the worst......i gotta make some moves

and get myself a house, its probably one of the best

financial moves..

thanks for all the primo ideas boys and girls:eek:

close this if need be..

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