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how to attract the opposite sex

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Originally posted by Kilo7-

easy to say... hard to do.



IIiiiii dunno Kilo... I'm not much on drinking so I have no problem leaving a party having drank only one or two drinks... usually alot of the girls are so piss drunk they don't remember you the next day anyway.

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I hear you Filthy.


On any given night it's not hard to catch me downing

a dozen or so drinks and still staying on top of things.

The only real downside... I find that the girls I end up

hooking up with are also the ones that can handle 15

drinks over an evening of boozecruising. And those

ones always seem to lead to trouble. If she can drink

more jager and jack than I can... watch out!


I guess the point to all this... dont get sloppy.


sloppy = uncomfortable = rejected

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Word, yep... I'd say if you wanna attract someone of the opposite sex that will be worthwhile of your time - I'd suggest against doing it at a party. Don't get me wrong, a party is a good place to meet people, but the people you meet are party people. Kinda like if you wanna meet someone that loves dogs, you could go to a dog show or something. Those random girls you see at the grocery store, go talk to them, break the ice by asking if they saw that sale in the produce isle. I swear by that approach, everyone has to eat!! Cheesy yet effective.

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24-hours-a-day-party-people !


I know what you mean though for sure.

Sure you can pick up a girl a some party

at 4:00am and you might just have a good shot

at sealing the deal, but would you want to see it

the next day? or next week? Probably not.


I say the Laundrymat is the best place.

Some places your just can talk to strangers

without looking like a creep (like on the bus),

but in the laundry mat there's nothing to do for

25 minutes but smoke, read, space out or chat.

Plus you get to see their clothes and make a

good guess at what they're into. Band shirts,

sports clothes, anything fancy or costumes...

it's all an icebreaker.


now where's SteveAustin to drop some science?

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Originally posted by Kilo7-

now where's SteveAustin to drop some science?


Confidence is the #1 thing required for the ladies. If you have confidence then you can get away with a lot of other stuff. Don't confuse confidence with cockiness, though. Girls love confidence but hate cockiness. Confidence is thinking that you have every right to be speaking with her and not being intimidated. Cockiness is busting out your game and letting her know your all that.


Women love to hear themselves talk, so listen to them. Nothing impresses a woman more than some guy actually looking her in the face and paying attention (yea, its hard to check out the rack when your looking in her eyes, but do it anyway). Reference things she just said and make comments. This shows her your paying attention.


One of the big things you should never do when talking to a woman that is out of this world hot...is to tell her so. She already knows it and has heard it a million times. If she's smart a compliment along those lines will take you so much further. The great thing about these woman is that they still love to hear compliments, so compliment her on something no one else ever has. This will give the illusion that you understand her on a completely different level.


Nice guy syndrome. It has to be addressed. Its more or less true with the hotties. They view nice guys as easy and push overs. These women love the chase. One of the big reasons they dress up so much and spend so much time looking good is their insecurity. I hate to say it, but you can't just bust out all of your "nice" qualities at once. You have to go several months doing the chasing game. You can nice up a little bit at a time, but not too much.


Buying drinks for women doesn't work, so save yourself some cash. Most women know they can go out on the town absolutely free if they rub their boobies on some guys. Granted there is an exception to every rule. This exception being college and house parties. If you give a girl a beer at a party, she always has to come back to you to get another. Make her talk to you before handing out the beverages...and only one at a time.


This is enough for now, I'll drop some more later.

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