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Hey girls,


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acouple days ago my friend and acouple of her friends came over to watch a movie or whatever. one of her friends went to the bathroom and then came out complaining about how guys should put the toilet seat down. i said "did you put the toilet seat back up?" and she said "no" and i said, "well, as soon as you start putting the toilet seat up when you are done i will start putting the toilet seat down. then i said "p.s., this is my apartment if you don't like it leave."


and acouple days later this thread was born.

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yeah i could care less about a guy putting the seat down...i'm not that lazy if he forgets i'll put it down myself




That is hella better than what organ donor used to do...fucker :cool: would leave the seat down and leave piss dropplets on it

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yeah i find that pretty dumb when females get angry over that shit. I think that sometimes when you have to run to the bathroom to go pee and the lid is down you gotta lift it up before you sit down..then what the hell is the problem with putting the seat down before you go pee. retards. just a typical bitch ..finding a reason to bitch about something

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Originally posted by SpyD

I dont understand why a female would sit down without checking the seat. If you fall into a bowl of water, thats on yo dumb ass.


except when you're going in the middle of the night and you're not awake. say if your roommate is a girl and you expect the seat to be down, but her boyfriend who is staying over leaves it up, you're unpleasantly surprised at 3am. now that i live with a guy i always check.

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it's stupid when a woman insists for no reason..i couldn't care less about where the toilet seat is...


if only i could get him to clean it...



but anyway, my mom says she likes it down because at night, when she can't see, she may 'fall in' if the seat isn't down...(as above)


i did this once when i was young, i learned real quick to check after that


i have also joked about women putting it back up..

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