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ok so a couple of weeks i met this girl and got on well. ive only met her three times and the secong time we hooked up.... the next i fcuked her and her friends were telling me how much she liked me.... ifucken liked her to and was plannign to go out with her and shit and then just then out of the blue she goes " i just realised i dont want to get emootional invovled with you" or some bullshit then she goes" haha id still get with you"

she fucken shrugged off my queesions and right now i am in a state of huge anger..my hearts racing and i feeling my punching this fucking screen in ...FUCKK

i cant believe how much of a fucking bitch this girls im sooo fucken furious , i held myself back from doing something drastick caus i didnt want to ruin any remaining chances

but FUCK


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pretend like nothing is wrong. then fuck her. cum on her face and bring get pictures somehow. then distribute them telling everyone what a filthy whore this girl is.










girl did the same thing to me. except i wasted 4 months on her. you'll get over it.

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