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fuck halle berry


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is she a piece of shit or what?

okay so this anger is basically just based on the newer james bond movie


no i havent seen it but im guessing its a pile of shit just like halle

why you may ask...

well because of this line that they play in every fucking commercial for the dvd...

'who sent you?'-bad guy

'your momma'-halle


what the fuck is that? this is a james bond movie goddamnit! not a fucking snaps book

i refuse to see the movie

so a big fuck you goes out to the writers

and an even bigger fuck you goes to halle berry for saying the line without complaint


actually you know what i take back the fuck you to the writers,

because halle probably adlibbed the line


get sars bitch!

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I would have to say that there can be no doubt that George Clooney and Brad Pitt are the shit, so is Samuel L. Jackson...


On topic, Hallie Berry is played out, all she is to these movies is one of like 2 or 3 black actresses that can be placed in leading rolls and have name recognition amonst white audiences. Plus her skin is like 4 shades from white anyway...

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Originally posted by KING BLING

all she is to these movies is one of like 2 or 3 black actresses that can be placed in leading rolls and have name recognition...


arr this just reminded me of her 'black folk' speech

the other year at the academy awards

god she makes me want to puke


on a sidenote: fuck julia roberts with a rusty wire brush too

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die another day fucking sucks. james bond is frucking gay. i used to like it when i was little. that fool can get cheat death with the gayest inventions ever. fuck that fucking fuck. FUCK.



Originally posted by When

fuck julia roberts with a rusty wire brush too


jennifer lopez should spontaneously combust while shooting a movie

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Originally posted by Parted Ways

jennifer lopez should spontaneously combust


isnt she from 'the streets', or is that just what shes claiming?

i hope some guy comes to her house fiending for crack

and slits her and ben afflecks throats searching for rock

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Originally posted by R. Heydrich

It's the BLOCK, not the Streets...


either way id like to see her go back there

and mingle with her 'homies'

oh the look of disgust on her face would be priceless

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Nicholas Cage and Robert Deniro are both good actors that can carry movies with name recognition alone - talent these days seems secondary. The problem with both, as seen with Tommy Lee Jones, is that any fucking script sent to them with $15 million attached they will do. They lost integrity. So many other actors make good movies and good money, fuck them both...


And Julia roberts is actually kinda dope, she has been in a lot of good movies...

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Originally posted by KING BLING

Julia roberts is actually kinda dope, she has been in a lot of good movies...


what runaway bride?

i swear she comes out with another bullshit movie every 2 months

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speilberg removed guns and put walkie talkies in its place.


dude, look at that word "walkie-talkie" that shit is gay as fuck.


nicholas cage is so bad, its retarded. and he's now settled into the idea that he's good, so he plays 'nicholas cage' in every film he makes. bah humbug, get the dick.


halle berry is hot as shit, but she's such a joke. there isnt a man alive, klan or otherwise, who wouldnt tap her. i honestly look blacker than she does, and im not even kidding. she's like...'perfect' every single feature is perfect.

well, except she's dumb as a fuck skunks asshole.



milllllaaaaaaa, i love you.

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