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Does Kazaa not provide you with the music you want...


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Guest willy.wonka

when i was with kazaa, i was having minimum problems.


NOW that i have soulseek!!i am happily married with 2 beautiful children and get to download complete albums!


thanks soulseek

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I did a little research on how KazaaLite works a couple weeks ago.... there's a thread floating around here somewhere about it. It's made to serve you songs and media that you didn't search for.


So yeah, soulseek is good, I've been getting all kinds of underground hard to find full cds. I shouldn't be tellin you new jacks that though.

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Guest mikro137

ive been using this for a couple months now... it fucking rocks , and now that i have the dsl hookup , i can use it at home , and i can rack my brain , and look for whole albums i lost years back. it is badassed , and once you get going with it , you can get a ton of good ass shit.

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i had soulseek for the longest time but all of a sudden the new one fucked up on me....but i found it the best for finding whole albums and alot of rarer shit than say using kazaa or winmx and what not.

oh well i guess il try to download the new one again.

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Originally posted by Dirty_habiT

You shouldn't have to go to the yard to hear the "figure it out yourself" answer. It's a really straight forward program actually.... it's amazing how difficult some of you people can make the most easy things. Smoke an' mirrors....



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