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best graff video....

JinkZ aNd BrainZ

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im not talking along the lines of style wars and shit like that, that u buy off of beat breaks and stuff. im talin about movies that u can go to blockbuster and rent with alot of graff and shit in it.


i know i remember in 187 and had a graff scene and demolition man had that guy that popped up outta the ground and did that quick peice the said life is hell or something along those lines.



anybody else with any?



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Originally posted by brown twinkie:

who's willing to hook me up with a copy of the gtv8 fr8 video?

i'm willing to negotiate some sort of trade equal to a vhs cassette and

the effort....


I can hook you up what you want to trade

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Originally posted by BNSF 15:

I can hook you up what you want to trade


um...i have no idea.....i don't trade flicks....i don't have mags......

i don't know........i gotta live richie hawtin mix cd if you want it, heh......

make me an offer....or whatever...........if you want i'll email you....

let me know.....

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