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$28 Million to get DRAFT READY BY JUNE 15, 2005!!


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Oh, so there are "no plans" to re-instate the draft? No, there are just EXERCISES and $28 million extra to get the whole Selective Service ready and open for business by June 15, 2005!!


Read this official budget carefully and you will see that Bush is gearing up the draft--there is no longer any doubt about it. Selective Service must report to Bush on March 31, 2005, that the system is ready for activation within 75 days. So on June 15, 2005, expect the announcement that the first draft lottery since Vietnam will be held for 20 year-olds.


Here is where the DU rubber hits the road, my friends. This is a DU EXCLUSIVE as far as I know, so please read this one carefully and let me know what we are going to do about it. To put this all into context, the SSS has lain basically dormant for decades and now in the 2004 budget, Bush has added $28 million to get the whole thing ready to fly in 2005. The 4 performance goals below basically make the system ready for activation.






This FY 2004 APP identifies the activities and strategies that will take place during the

fiscal year to achieve Agency goals and objectives. It also identifies relevant performance

measurement target goals to be achieved. The performance goals for FY 2004 are:


1. Develop an Area Office Prototype Exercise that will test the Health

Care Personnel Delivery System (HCPDS) work flows and support



2. Redefine Agency infrastructure based on a Quinquennial Workload



3. Prepare and conduct an Area Office Prototype Exercise which tests

the activation process from SSS Lottery input to the issuance of the

first Armed Forces Examination Orders.


4. Ensure 90% of people tested are capable of implementing activation



5. Ensure that 95% of the predefined readiness objectives are attained

and validated during an Area Office Prototype Exercise.


6. Train 90% of assigned State Directors (SDs) and Reserve Force

Officers (RFOs) on HCPDS and Timed-Phased Response (TPR)

functions and responsibilities.


7. Attain a 92% or greater compliance rate for men 18 through 25 years



8. Attain and appoint Registrars in 85% of the Nation’s high schools.


9. Obtain 75% of all registrations electronically.


10. Maintain an average systems change request implementation time of

39 days.


11. Maintain a functional proponent and customer satisfaction level of



12. Have a telephone call completion rate of 93% or higher.


13. Answer correspondence in less than 10 days.


14. Train 90% of assigned SDs and RFOs on Alternative Service plans

and procedures.




An annual report providing the results of the implementation of these performance

measures will be submitted by March 31, 2005. This report will address attained versus

planned levels of performance, explain unattained target levels, and identify where and

how strategies, performance goals, and performance indicators should be changed to

ensure that the SSS reaches its strategic and annual goals and objectives.







-copied for non commercial use-

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I hated the Draft, BUT. . .


The Selective Service System, as it was employed in the WWII era was very egalitarian. There were NO exemptions for college boys, NO exemptions for guys who ran out and got married real quick, and NO exemptions for rich kids whose father knew somebody on the Draft Board. People like Joe Kennedy (JFK's older brother--Old Joe's first pick for the "presidential son" slot) volunteered for combat duty. (And in Joe Kennedy's case--shot down and killed over Europe, I think.) Scores of well-known celebrities went down and enlisted, and served in genuine combat positions.


The SSS of the Korean era was less egalitarian, but I knew a man who served in WWII as a young kid, Korea as a late twenties combat soldier, and Vietnam as an old veteran, almost ready to retire.


The armed forces of today is essentially an organization of well-paid professionals--a mercenary army, for want of a better term. Personally, I think that "universal military service" is a very good idea. The government would think twice about pushing around a population that is both well-trained and well-armed. But when I was 18, I thought it was a terrible idea and very unjust. Like all kids, I was very self-centered and didn't give a shit about the rest of society. Just goes to show you, things change. I wish now that I had not been such a hard-core draft resister. I was just too young and too immature to see it. At age 25 or 26, I realized I was wrong, and I enlisted in the Marine Corps. Better later than never, I guess.

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im all for the military. both my parents enlisted into the navy by choice and met on a navy base and i think i was concieved on a navy base and i grew up on a navy base and when the big navy ships would pull into port in saudi i would get to sit in apache helicopters and try and convince sailors that came over for dinner to give me cigs...so im all for what the armed forces has to offer. what im not for is the armed forces being controlled by corruption. i at this point, dont understand how a military coup has not taken place since 130,000 a whole fucking lot of people with a whole lot of familys are locked up in a guerilla war at the hand of corporations gouging the tax payers for everything they have.


i mean....are they trying to get a pass straight to hell? you know? cause like i said, i have nothing but respect for the military. but what i feel is the biggest disrespect to the military is using it for unjust purposes.


im glad i dont have any children that are eligible for the draft. and i dont think bush is not going to steal this election like he did the last one. so fuck the greed and support our troops by keeping them alive and safe and at home with their familys.

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as ignorant as this sounds- id much rather flee the country than fight for it- i just seem to have a problem with us being "so free" yet we are so limited in what we can actually do- yeah we might have a lot more rights than people in other countries- but i feel like we have a LOT to learn here about truly being free...until that is done- america isnt what it should be. Drafting someone into the military who DOES NOT want to go and does not believe in the cause what so ever SHOULD NOT go. Period. end of story. I hope all the people who actually voted for Bush realize they've made grave mistakes....if not, then our country is truly full of idiots

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Fuck I love America, dont get me wrong. But I hate war. In my opnion, a lot of wars are worthless. The only wars that this country has fought that I would have volunteered to be in was the Civil war and WWII and even though I would have hated the idea of ffighting in these wars I would have volunteered to. So I the draft is a bad thing in my view. If I feel like I need to fight I will volunteer. Otherwise, theres no fucking way im gonna go and kill people that are normal humans just like me.

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I'm in full agreement of bringing back the draft. All that means is more opposition to the war and more protests. All these Nancy bitch boy scouts chanting war may have to actually go fight one. Bring on the draft, I would like to have military training for personal gain anyway, we may need it someday.

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Originally posted by ~KRYLON2~

fuck i just turned 18 this month......im fucked


i believe the sss website said they start drafting 20 year olds up to 25 and THEN get the 18 and 19 year olds.... does anyone know the legal penalties for refusing to enlist if drafted?.......... also, someone told me that people who voluntarily enlist get paid significantly more than draftees, but i'm not sure about that.

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lets say for arguments sake bush wins and tries to draft all of us to whatever muslim country he picks next to attack, iran, jordan, palestine... he would personally recieve a pic of the dick :D




the old men sit on the top of the hill, while 58,000 decend 6 feet underground.

-moss icon

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