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  1. What?


    Were you in BAF? My DVD's are already growing large. I should be here a year. Some of the guys in the unit that we replaced gave me some dvd's to hold me over, instead of a "real care package". I don't think I will have to kill anyone, top tell the truth, most afganis that I have met are cool, they are just trying to earn a living and feed their families. There are no bars, actually there isn't any drinking here. I am sure I could get ahold of something, but I don't plan too. They have social things every few nights, like salsa night and hiphop night. They are stupid and I would never go to them in the states, but what else do I have to do here? Why would anyone want some useless money?
  2. What?


    I forgot, things are the same costs here for the most part. What is good is that we get stuff from people in the states like candy, hygiene things for free. It is really easy to save money here and it is all tax free.
  3. What?


    Finally some somewhat decent questions. Haliburton/KBR, They get paid alot to do whatever they do. For the most part they cook food, drive trucks, fix everything and they get paid alot more then they would in the states. There are girls where I am at right now, soldiers, but they a very far out numbered by guys. I am in a relationship where I do not want to even get tempted, so I levae girls alone. Out where most of my unit is, there are no girls at all. I have not seen any Afgan women at all, they do not go around the bases and KBR does not bring in Pussy for us The topics we talk about are the same everyone else talks about. Movies, Drinking, Girls, whatever, we are the same guys that you hang around with, except we are in fucking afdrizzlestan.
  4. What?


    I do a little bit of everything. Some office time, some field time. I am in an Airborne Infantry Battalion. I don't think I can sit around if I wanted too. It is starting to get muggy here. I hate that shit.
  5. What?


    I starting to get fucking hot.
  6. What?


    Been here two weeks, in Army. No wiggers. I haven't seen a female yet. They have this market where you can get the bootleg movies for like 2-3 dollars. They have everything that is in the movies now.
  7. It has been awhile since I been in here. Most of you might not know who I am, but I really don't care. But I figure now that I have alot of time on my hands I figured that I will honor all of you with the chance to ask me questions about Afganistan, since that is where I am at right now. So what the fuck do you want to know?
  8. Stop hanging around crackheads.
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