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  1. Stolen from 12oz posts and plopped down into this thread. I do not own nor do I represent the original photographers. [/img]
  2. You're wack...this thread is cool.
  3. Awesome. Keep up the great work. PS, I have anxiety just thinking about what would happen if Indonesian cops were to pop someone for this type of behavior. Yikes!!
  4. Nice effort..nice mix of car co's. Fuck the Stupid Bowl!!!
  5. Nice pictures...keep it happening in Bulgaria.!!
  6. Nice...Euro freight scene getting rolling. Catch the cars you want while you can....
  7. Someone stabbed me once for using the word "graffin". True story, my friend told me.
  8. Is that the same Myspace Troph that got caught cuz he was talking on Myspace with his crew about hitting spots? I liked the pictures you put up , awesome.
  9. that Goner is cool...that cop isn't
  10. Then you're a drug dealer that paints graffiti, not a graffiti writer who sells drugs. You're fake and this thread is lame as fuck.
  11. Chessies looking mighty short and fun
  12. ^^^^ Yeah I agree and what about those hollows you started off with. Yeah they may be dope writers, but they're fuc*ing hollows. They take a half a second and really aren't that great in the scheme of things. Nice pics, bad mentality.
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