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mr.yuck last won the day on December 23 2023

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14,356 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods


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  1. Me and one of my homies were talking about this forgetfulness shit a few months ago. He was like "just get me a warm cup of milk and put me on my heating pad in my chair in front of the price is right, cuz I'm done." But back to some boomer shit. How you gonna be mad about everyone in our generation getting participation trophies? You were the ones passing out the participation trophies! Participation trophies was your fucking idea, hoes! And another thing, boomers love to talk about how no one wants to work anymore. These mother fuckers were literally hippies. Just doing mad drugs and spreading AIDS. News flash. No one's ever wanted to work. Lol.
  2. @One Man BannedI don't do a whole lot on Reddit but r/boomersbeingfools is a great place to start. Exactly. I didn't catch it at first. My aunt, her baby sister, was there too and was like "what the fuck?" My wife was also like "what the fuck is happening right now?" I looked at my Aunt and told her "Tell Julia to get her god damn hands off that baby."
  3. Oh no. I think I'm having a boomer moment. He was definitely yelling CYBER TRUCK! I'm gonnA chalk that slip up to exhaustion.
  4. Yes. I was driving home from dinner one night and a car pulled up next to me. The guy is staring wildly into my car and starts rolling his window down. I roll my window down in return ready for action and this dude starts yelling "CYBERCAR! CYBERCAR! HOW COOL IS THAT? CYBERCAR!" As a CYBERCAR turns the corner in front of us. Is this some sort of new trend I'm not down with?
  5. @ndv were you in Ft. Myers this weekend?
  6. Are anyone else's parents displaying heavy boomerism that the internet has been clowning on recently? My mom has started talking to people in the service industry like she is doing a Google search and the other day she grabbed some ladies stroller and started to try and wheel their baby somewhere else that was out of her way, without even saying something to the mother. As she grabbed the stroller I heard her mutter something like "I'll just move this," like how dare anyone ever be in her way or like it was an abandoned cart in the parking lot. I'm not gonna lie, I secretly hoped for this lady to dress my mother down in public and make a fucking spectacle out of her.
  7. I just caught one rolling down 95 either in Georgia or Florida a couple days ago.
  8. mr.yuck

    OJ Simpson Dead

    These jokes are inappropriate. Some of us are still in serious mourning. OJ Simpson the football man OJ Simpson the cinematic super star And finally OJ Simpson in his most convincing role ever
  9. If you're a sucker, every time you get punched is a sucker punch.
  10. I've been seeing people call this karma. I don't think most people understand what karma is or how it works.
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