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  1. it's been a while http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4Dzfo8dW14 Kimiko Kasai - Along the Nile
  2. It's been a month! You guys have been slacking.
  3. ofwgkta like wu-tang... :lol: ona serious note: golf wang.
  4. stick your dick in some rubber where another mans dick and jizz have been. classy
  5. `Melinoe


    I think it's funny how people who claim to hate religion so much make such a big deal about it. There are just as many, if not more, people who are stupid/ignorant etc that aren't religious. Oh wait. Religion starts wars oh noes. Why someone, who doesn't push their religion on anyone else, bothers so many people is a giant question to me. In fact, I wonder if majority of people were Satanists or whatever, would people be giving as much of a shit?
  6. Roy Ayers - Searching Calms me down when I think about how much ass my generation sucks. If you wanna see something pleasant...the performance of this song on soul train is too good.
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