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12oz Crew
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LUGR last won the day on April 24

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19,162 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods

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  1. this is well beyond my expertise, getting into loose wizard vastness that I am not experienced with
  2. I wish you didn’t feel that way, but I understand that it’s not something you can just turn off. I have felt that way before too for years, the only way I was able to pull myself out of it was to stop using. Maybe that is relatable to you, maybe it isn’t. But I really hope you can find a way too pull yourself out without harming yourself. I really think you need a good shred on your guitar or a surf. Both have the power to do wonders for you mind, body and soul. Don’t stress about the jacket man, it’s just a material thing. Yeah, it sucks to get got for one of your nice things, but that sort of thing happens to us all at some point.
  3. Yeah, it looks really nice. What is the main course btw? Chicken?
  4. What kind of bread is that?
  5. so freakin lit! permed to perfection
  6. Angel & Zee I have a hard time watching those. But yeah, they do get some great guests.
  7. @KILZ FILLZYour set up looks tight. I like all the fancy colors and lights on your mixer.
  8. Wow, you walk Truffle on a leash? Did you train them to do that since they were a kitten? Me cats would freak out if I tried that.
  9. Probably around 500,000 of those views are from me.
  10. That last part sounds like not a great idea and I hope you don’t follow through with it. Have you tried talking to the dude? Maybe it’s sitting in the lost and found waiting to be reclaimed?
  11. yo that was mad sneaky…..nobody saw that coming
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