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  1. its been a while since i posted but here are a few
  2. Admirals row in Brooklyn, a whole row of abandoned early 19th century military houses. I want to get in here sometime soon. That castle in Belguim....now that would be fucking intense.
  3. count chocula (my favorite cereal by the way): thanks a lot, the shadow was just too good to pass up. Decaying: they were shot with an old Polaroid 600 "one step". It's a pain to carry around due to the size of the thing, but ultimately worth it.
  4. I feel lucky, just picked up an old manual pentax 50mm today for 15 bucks at a yard sale. How do you do polariod transfers? Crit/comments appreciated.
  5. i went out to the store and shat on the cash register my poop dripping down in long, horrendous strokes of diarrhea and mush turning into a brown chowder which i then slurped up like soup!
  6. This can't even be compared to that last post, but a beautiful old house nonetheless. Lots of mirrors and mysterious paragraphs of writing were throughout the house.
  7. The Holy Mountain, great movie.
  8. When you say the pencil drawing is way of base with the paintings, what exactly do you mean? Like in terms of style, skill level? The painting is busy, I guess I was just experimenting with personal images and application of paint. Thanks for the criticism, I don't really get much at school.
  9. This is super fuzzy because I took a digital of it. I'm waiting for art school replies now, hopefully acceptances, I already got two. Aaaa stress. Crits and Comments would be greatly appreciated.
  10. I like getting mail, so I'll send you something.
  11. I watched this Nova show on PBS today about Global dimming. Global dimming is occurring because of particle pollution (everything you can see in the smoke when fuel is burned), and all the little particles are turning into smog and gradually blocking out the sun. It's crazy because global dimming is actually slowing down the immediate effects of global warming, (less sunlight=less heat) but it also does bad shit because the new clouds effect rainfall, causing famine in countries where the monsoon is relied upon. The 1984 famine in Ethiopia, scientists now know was partly caused by the global dimming. China and India, in thier rapidly developing stages, have extremely bad problems with this, because they rely on the monsoon, yet they are emitting tons and tons of particular pollution. Various countries (USA, parts of Europe) have recently began to clean up particle pollution with filtration systems, yet they have made none or very few alterations dealing with greenhouse gas emmissions. So basically, by cleaning up our particle pollution and lessening Global Dimming, we are accelerating global warming. But if we don't clean up the particles, respiritory health will be shit, there will be horrible famine in the countries that house over half the worlds population, and not to meintion we might completely block out the sun. Of course, even though none of this is immediate, my gut reaction is fuck. we are doomed.
  12. It snowed today It rained last week
  13. Why does imagshack do this now^?? Whatever, I'm going to Flcikr.
  14. Twin Peaks Season 2 should come out either this spring or summer. Lynch is releasing it at the same time as the Inland Empire DVD. I can't wait!! Sailor wins by far. He's elvis, and the fact that the snakeskin Jacket was actually Nick Cages in real life takes it.
  15. "but I'm a Bank Robber and a Manslaughterer, and I haven't had any parental guidance..." Fuck yes. Has anyone seen Inland Empire yet???
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