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  1. "you think" but i know.i knew every one of them saw cats and some of the cmw guys.saw/cmw vs dad...ask erie and nike.they will tell you...they hooked up as one crew as well as buc.but buc hooked up after the war.I WAS THERE.frek saw is on here,ask him. SUCKERS ARE WASTED!
  2. yeah i remember that dude TOXIC from CMW.he used to write his name to where if you would read it,it would have CISCO (is that how he spelled it?)flipped in his name because of the war with SAW CMW vs DAD.how many remember the hugh roller DAD flips at the walls of fame?those wer the days! ms.toxic knows about him as well.
  3. not toxic and kerve...get it right vandal slob!
  4. fella's just face it.TEMPER is the best...ever! the only thing that can beat him is the buff! real all out king! hey hey im just giving credit to where its due! nah mean?
  5. damn,is KC out?back at it again?ahh shit!
  6. well with the bloody hand prints and the quotes.
  7. nice....grock and toxic the did same concept on the other side of this same building with more detale...i herd the pics got ban on another site.
  8. yes TOASTER is spelled wrong but this was a RUSH job on illegal concrete.this dude had to get done and over before 50 came and grabbed him like they grabbed them other cats the night before.with luck,he got away. respect!
  9. Re: AOK/RIS you wanna see some new REAS stuff from 06? watch minoriteam on cartoon net work...thats what hes doing now....its a funny cartoon...check it out.
  10. Re: AOK/RIS and who is this person you talk of??
  11. Re: AOK/RIS GHOST didnt do that BOOM piece....REAS did.REAS did some very RARE pieces...under different names.
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