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  1. soooo for all of you dandies who count powdering their nose as one of their favorite pastimes, I AM ABOUT TO BLOW SOMETHING UP that PROBABLY should be kept secret... it's common knowledge that coke nowadays is nasty, gasoline-tasting, cat-piss smelling, teeth-grinding, crap compared to the pearlescent, more euphoric, shitty-comedown-free blow of yesteryear. WELL YOU CAN CHANGE THAT. like, overnight. no joke. i've tried it and it works FUCKING BEAUTIFULLY. i learned this little trick from a good friend who learned it from some chinese chemist and now i'm sharing it with the masses. sooo, here's my guide on "HOW TO CHANGE SHITTY COKE INTO ALMOST 90% PURITY " in a matter of hours (but probably less). the only supplies you'll need are: a measuring cup a small funnel a small glass container (jar, cup, whatever) a coffee filter some pure distilled mineral spirits (available at hardware stores) some yay (DUH) so the process is pretty fucking simple which is awesome. but there's one scary part that you gotta trust me on. let's say you have a couple of grams. (HERE'S THE SCARY PART). dump your coke into the bottom of the empty measuring cup. then pour the mineral spirits into the cup along with the coke. fill it about 3/4 with the spirits. NOW DO NOT FRET my dear speedfreaks. this will NOT ruin your stash. that's the fucking beauty of it. the mineral spirits will dissolve all of the shit that your coke is cut with, but that YUMMY cocaine hydrochloride WILL NOT dissolve in the spirits. let this shit brew for like 10 minutes. all the unwanted additives will dissolve into the liquid. you'll see the actual coke remain at the bottom, undissolved. now, put the coffee filter into the fulnnel, and funnel the contents of the measuring cup through the filter and into the second container. the acetone and dissolved chemicals will pass through, while the filter catches your newly-purified stash. if some coke residue remains stuck to the edges of the measuring cup, simply pour in some more spirits, swish it around, and repeat the process. now you have your coke caught by the filter but OH NO. IT'S WET. well, mineral spirts evaporates like, really fast dumbasses. so just let your wet coke chill in a dry place for about an hour and all the spirits will evaporate. no, you will not be sniffing mineral spirits. just let it dry up and you'll be good to go. if you're a pussy you can let it dry for several hours. NOW YOU'RE DONE. you'll notice that your blow looks visibly better. it'll have that irridescent sheen that good coke should have, not that dull yellowy crap. you'll also notice a significant improvement in the high. more euphoria, less stress and teeth-grinding. no sucky comedown. try it. i did and i am eternally grateful. that is all. goodbye.
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