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dr. frink one

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  1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11675822/site/newsweek/ Crime: 'Netbangers,' Beware Street gangs are going online to compare notes and pick fights. But the cops are right behind them. "Yo blood - whats your set?" "Google. Throw it up."
  2. bump for motorcycles and racing on that track and playstation but fuck a mazda rx whateverthefuck or a miata for that matter.
  3. one punch and mike tyson would send bruce lee into orbit. mike tyson is god. that being said - he'd have to get one punch in first. i feel like even if bruce lee blocked one of mikes hooks he would just get his forearm broken. iron mike is ferocious
  4. "its like juice on the stoop - how I got 'em hi - c? " jr writer
  5. the "fuck ckt - fuck p. skool" stuff is cute. the "cool crews" stuff is even cuter. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. I think we all agree its pretty important for us to know not only who you hate - but also who you jock.
  6. today I wore, Black Ben Davis Pants Black Nerve Agents Small Shirt Black Converse Black Dickies padded zipup jacket and my jesus belt..
  7. i just have to go ahead and give a round of applause for Europe... always posting some of the best threads around...
  8. seriously....that guy is one of my main heroes..... i just can't get enough, that black and yellow one with the paint is on a popular onramp to the bay bridge (high traffic) and is about 2 feet from the road....i don't understand how he did it without getting caught
  9. how much, on average, would you say a single "coasting ghost car" would weigh
  10. i would choose the bates over the risk any day.....look how it flows.... makes me want to say something really clever....
  11. dr. frink one


    beat this fucking bike http://www.internerd.com/frinky/images/screenshots/cyclea.gif'>
  12. dennis leary...rocks the house
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