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Dirty_habiT last won the day on January 13 2022

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5,576 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods


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  1. Meh it's uninteresting.
  2. @KILZ FILLZhighly likely your boy took ivermectin and hcq to quickly get over his problem he hid from the public for. He will never tell you that though because he needs you to keep on the straight and narrow vax path.
  3. Someone should let this nerd in on what trees use to make sugars for themselves to grow. Also funny to see snopes try so hard to call this false. Snopes is a full of shit political org that is using info from lying ass Reuters and likely lying ass New York Times. Don't believe anything snopes says about anything. Just skip over the link to their site all together because you'll retain some intelligence in doing so.
  4. Oh and buy all masks from China. Don't forget that. Nobody is wearing anything that actually works for a legit medical purpose that is made in USA. Damage caused by wearing a mask all the time is bad and could legit make you have a medical problem you need help with. Breathing in that recycled waste air with low oxygen content from that Chinese, probably carcinogenic, fabric. Your brain needs a lot of oxygen to work but many have been somehow surviving and saying "smart" shit with very little oxygen available. Saw a guy just yesterday jogging with a mask on. What a retard.
  5. They're really fucking with people that are trying to get that carrot on the end of the stick. The mask thing is not scientific. I said this from the beginning. Our resident "medical expert" @abrasivesaintargued that masks work. If you've ever seen people work with really terrible diseases like Ebola they're suited the fuck up. Not wearing some little bitch mask with prints on it they got from Amazon. Hilarious how many people like them for the ability to remain anonymous while looting and committing other crimes. Effect is two fold. Keep retards scared into thinking their mask protects grandma and let looters get away with whatever.
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